Who Should Attend?

NCER brings together scientists, engineers, managers, and policy makers who are actively involved in and/or affected by all aspects of ecosystem restoration. Individuals interested in planning and management activities such as setting goals, objectives and performance standards by which to measure success should attend.

Attendees conversate at the entrace of an NCER conference.

Potential Attendees Could Include:

  • Federal, State, and Local Agency Scientists and Land Managers
  • Tribal Governments
  • Non-governmental Conservation Organizations and Partnerships
  • Water Resource Engineers and Managers
  • Environmental Consultants
  • Environmental Policy Managers
  • Ecological Scientists and Researchers
  • Hydrologists and Hydrological Modelers
  • Students and Members of Academia
  • Environmental Interest Groups

Consider submitting a proposal to Organize a Session related to your area of expertise.

April 13-16, 2026

Omaha, Nebraska
