Prior Events
ACES: A Community on Ecosystem Services represents a dynamic and growing assembly of professionals, researchers, and policy makers involved with ecosystem services. The ACES Conference brings together this community in partnership with Ecosystem Markets and the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), providing an open forum to share experiences, methods, and tools, for assessing and incorporating ecosystem services into public and private decisions.
The objective of this international symposium is to provide a framework for scientists to share technical information on various topics related to biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and other contaminants, as related soil, water, and air quality in freshwater and estuarine wetlands.
The Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources brings together statisticians and researchers from academia, industry and government to discuss ideas and advancements in the application of statistics to solve agricultural and biological problems.
This meeting brings together scientists from 16 nations across four continents for in-depth exploration of new frontiers in cucurbit research and development.
During this conference, individuals and teams representing site-specific projects from across Florida’s diverse landscape shared their work, process, experiences, and results. In addition to providing participants with opportunities to cultivate new partnerships, this exchange of knowledge resulted in the publication of a compilation of abstracts spotlighting solutions to flooding in Florida.
The Conference and Workshop on the Florida Keys Marine Ecosystem is organized around several themes including monitoring the Florida Keys marine ecosystem, ecological restoration, connectivity, and climate change. There ia also a special session on the topic of trophic cascades – the ecological consequences of removing predators from ecosystems. This session includes comparisons of some well-studied marine ecosystems including the Florida Keys and a panel discussion. In addition to oral presentations, the conference and workshop highlights poster presentations and opportunities for more in-depth discussions among participants.
The purpose of this conference is to address issues bearing on the health and well being of the four principal species of wild marine mammals found in Florida waters: manatees, bottlenose dolphins, pygmy sperm whales and Northern right whales, as well as captive marine mammals at theme parks, aquariums, and zoos. This conference will provide a forum for people working on issues affecting these and other marine mammal species, and provide an opportunity to review their current health status, discuss future directions of investigation, and determine actions likely to produce benefits to their health and survival.
The Florida Master Gardener Program is a volunteer-driven program that benefits UF/IFAS Extension and the citizens of Florida. The program relies on dedicated volunteers who have an interest in gardening and in giving back to their communities.
GEER provides a valuable forum for scientists and engineers to showcase and communicate the latest scientific developments about everglades ecosystem restoration. Its goal is to facilitate information exchange that builds shared understanding among federal, state, local, and tribal scientists and decision-makers, academia, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and private citizens.
GGAA, the International Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference, is the primary venue for scientists to present their novel work to colleagues and learn the latest research on greenhouse gas emissions in the field of animal agriculture.
This conference focuses on key issues facing our industry, and spans the topics of global juice and beverage technology to the marketing of new and innovative products. Please join us for discussions on the impact of new regulations, particularly FSMA, on our industry, advances in quality and consumer testing, technology in the processing plants, and interesting new research and consumer insights regarding the beverage category.
The International Forage & Turfgrass Breeding Conference (IFTBC) is a joint meeting of the Molecular Breeding of Forages and Turf Conference (MBFT) and the International Symposium of Forage Breeding (ISFB). Participants experience the transition in species composition from cool to warm season in North and Central Florida. Participants will also enjoy Florida’s delightful weather at this time of year. The IFTBC believes forage and turfgrass improvement research is on the precipice of revolutionary developments and this conference offers a unique opportunity for worldwide showcase and collaboration.
In recent years, interest and demand for peppers has increased dramatically worldwide and peppers are no longer considered a minor crop in the global market. The International Pepper Conference has attracted prominent scientists, researchers, breeders, horticulturists, pathologists, entomologists, geneticists, physiologists, virologists, extension agents, seed and chemical company representatives, major processors, growers, and chile aficionados from around the world and is now recognized as the premier venue for the dissemination and exchange of information on Capsicum.
The main goals of the ISBM Congress are to emphasize the importance of traditional morphometric techniques in the field of bone research and to make attendees aware of new technologies that result in refinements and advances in bone morphometric analyses.
Organized by the Invasion Science Research Institute (ISRI) , this symposium explored and promoted the development of interdisciplinary research and the use of novel tools and approaches to advance our understanding of invasive species and inform the design, organization, and delivery of policies and practices that can improve prevention and management.
MMM is a series of international conferences focused on understanding, conservation, and sustainable use of mangrove ecosystems worldwide. These meetings were initiated in 2000 to raise awareness about the plight of mangroves, which remains one of the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. The MMM conferences are convened by mangrove scientists at 4-6 year intervals in locations around the world where mangroves form a major component of the coastal landscape.
The purpose of this conference is to address issues bearing on the health and well being of the four principal species of wild marine mammals found in Florida waters: manatees, bottlenose dolphins, pygmy sperm whales and Northern right whales, as well as captive marine mammals at theme parks, aquariums, and zoos. This conference will provide a forum for people working on issues affecting these and other marine mammal species, and provide an opportunity to review their current health status, discuss future directions of investigation, and determine actions likely to produce benefits to their health and survival.
This course is intended for research scientists from the private sector and public institutions interested in learning the foundations of different prediction frameworks considering the integration of multiple omics of information (or layers) with applications in plant and animal breeding.
NCER is an interdisciplinary conference on large scale ecosystem restoration presenting state-of-the art science and engineering, planning and policy in a partnership environment.
The National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) is a nationally distributed system of plant diagnostic laboratories at land grant universities, plant industries, and state departments of agriculture (Fig. 1) (Cardwell and Hoffman, 2008; Stack, 2010; Stack and Baldwin, 2008). Over 100 NPDN laboratories within five regional networks execute diagnostics locally and upload diagnostic data records into the NPDN National Data Repository at Purdue University. NPDN facilitates early detection of plant pests and disease through operational laboratory services that reach almost every county in the U.S. Additionally, NPDN provides laboratory triage and surge support to regulatory and extension programs during plant disease outbreaks and arthropod pest infestations. NPDN has an established partnership with plant industries, extension and among federal, state, and local plant protection agencies (Stack et al., 2014).
SeaVet Clinical Training is an intensive nine day course designed to teach veterinary medical students and veterinarians through didactic lecture, case-based problem-solving and practical experience. The program also features an educational and interactive hands-on training.
Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (SFTIC) has met biannually for decades to exchange information and to discuss research and future needs for forest tree breeding. The UF/IFAS School of Forest Resources and Conservation and the Cooperative Forest Genetics Research Program, in cooperation with the Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee, are proud hosts of the SFTIC Conference.
The University of Florida Water Institute and Duke Energy partner to host the 7th biennial UF Water Institute Symposium. The Symposium will bring together individuals from a broad range of disciplines and organizations to explore complex water challenges from multiple perspectives.
The USDA National Food Safety Outreach Program (FSOP) invites you to participate in the 2023 National Project Directors' Meeting. Over the two-day program, the Lead Regional Coordination Center (LRCC) and four regional centers (Southern (SC), North Central (NC), Northeast (NECAFS), and the Western (WC) will host FSOP grant awardees from around the country, both virtually and in person, as they discuss their accomplishments and success stories.
This conference provides an interdisciplinary setting for wildlife health, conservation and management experts and practitioners from around the world to exchange ideas, share best practices and give formal presentations on the latest in wildlife health management and conservation. WDA includes many different professional specialties and you do not need to be a WDA member to participate.