Scientific Program Committee

Dr. Nicolas DiLorenzo
UF/IFAS Animal Sciences Department
North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC)
Marianna, Florida USA

Dr. Darren Henry
Assistant Professor
Department of Animal and Dairy Science
University of Georgia - Tifton
Tifton, Georgia USA

Dr. Karen Beauchemin
Research Scientist (Ruminant Nutrition)
Lethbridge Research and Development Centre
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Government of Canada
Lethbridge, Alberta Canada

Dr. Alexander Hristov
Distinguished Professor of Dairy Nutrition
Department of Dairy and Animal Science
Penn State University
State College, Pennsylvania USA

Dr. Ermias Kebreab
Associate Dean for Global Engagement, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Director, World Food Center
Professor and Sesnon Endowed Chair
University of California, Davis
Davis, California USA

Dr. April Leytem
Research Soil Scientist
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research
Kimberly, Idaho USA