Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline has Passed
The 2025 XX International Silage Conference (ISC) invites researchers and scientists from academia, industry, and government to submit an abstract for consideration as a talk or poster presentation on topics related to the role of silage in small ruminant, beef, and dairy cow rations. Abstracts should provide unique insights on a wide range of complementary topics including forage agronomy, optimal conservation strategies, silage feeding and nutrition, silage safety, etc.
In addition to plenary sessions with invited speakers, the conference will feature concurrent sessions with a lead-off invited speaker and three talks selected from abstract submissions, as well as multiple poster sessions. Each submitted abstract should be assigned to one of the following Session Topics.
Registration Required
Speakers and poster presenters are required to register and pay the applicable fee by Friday, March 28, 2025 to confirm participation and attend the conference. If you have not registered by Friday, March 28, 2025, your abstract will not be published and it will be removed from the program.
Presentation Options
Each concurrent session is 75-minutes long and features four technical presentations. Each session begins with a 5-minute introduction, followed by a 25-minute lead-off presentation by an invited expert, and three, individual 15-minute talks selected from contributed abstract submissions.
Individual talks will be selected from general abstract submissions (talks are 12 minutes in duration, plus 3 minutes for Q&A – 15-minutes total).
Note: Space on the agenda is very limited. If you request a talk but are not selected to speak, you will be offered a poster.
Posters will be grouped topically and presented during one-hour sessions scheduled throughout the conference. Detailed poster display specifications will be communicated in the presenter notification email.
Student Poster Competition
Student poster authors are eligible to compete for “Best Poster” awards based on the quality of the abstract, poster and discussion. Three poster winners will receive prizes of $500 for 1st Place, $300 for 2nd Place, or $200 for 3rd Place.
General Guidelines
- Authors are asked to indicate their presentation preference (talk or poster) during abstract submission.
- If you request a talk but are not selected to speak, you will be offered a poster instead.
- To allow as many people as possible to present and due to spacing constraints, we may not be able to accommodate requests for multiple presentations.
- Presentations should be of original research, which has been substantially completed, but which has not yet been published as a full paper in a scientific journal.
- Students should indicate if they want their abstract to be considered for the Student Poster Competition on the submission form.
- Abstracts must be written and presented in English. Linguistic accuracy is the author’s responsibility.
- All presentations will be given live, and in person. There are no remote presentation opportunities.
Abstract Specifications
- Use the following templates to create a perfectly formatted abstract:
- Instructional Abstract Template (.docx) (Sample abstract with formatting instructions)
- Blank Abstract Template (.docx) (Formatted abstract without instructions)
- Utilize the "Extended Abstract" format, with a 2-page limit including references, tables and figures.
- Proofread your abstract carefully and obtain applicable approvals (coauthor and institutional if required) prior to submission.
- Research abstracts should contain the objective, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Synthesis abstracts should include a thorough review of literature bringing up the main aspects and concepts of the theme being explored.
- Abstracts should be formatted according to APA style guidelines.
- Abstracts must be of final work. Incomplete research (i.e., being developed at the time of submission without conclusive results) will not be considered.
Important Deadlines
January 31, 2025 | Abstract Submission Deadline |
March 4, 2025 | Abstract Acceptance Notifications Sent to Presenters |
March 28, 2025 | Deadline for Speakers & Poster Presenters to Register and Confirm Participation |
June 27, 2025 | Deadline for Poster Presenters to Submit their Poster PDFs |
- Abstracts must be submitted online by Friday, January 24, 2025. Upload your abstract as a Microsoft Word file via the online submission form or click the button below. (If your email address is incorrect, you will not receive a confirmation.)
- Abstracts will be reviewed and presenters will be notified by Tuesday, February 28, 2025 about acceptance status, presentation format (talk or poster), and date of presentation. If you do not receive a presenter notification email by February 28, email right away.
- Presenters must register and pay the full participation fee by Friday, March 28, 2025.
- All poster presenters must upload their poster PDF no later than Friday, June 27, 2025.
Status of Abstract Submissions
Presenter notifications will be sent via email by February 28, 2025 letting submitters know the final status of their abstract, the approved presentation format (oral or poster), and the date of presentation. If you do not receive a presenter notification email by this date, email right away.
Remember: Speakers and poster presenters are required to register and pay the applicable fee by Friday, March 28, 2025 to confirm participation and attend the conference.
Letter of Invitation
When submitting an abstract, there will be an option to request a formal letter of invitation.
Contact Jessica Bailey at