Key Dates & Deadlines

06/12/2024 Call for Session Proposals Announced
08/23/2024 Session Proposals Due
09/11/2024 Session Proposal Approvals Announced
09/18/2024 Call for Abstracts Announced
01/08/2025 Abstract Submission Deadline
(After this date, late abstracts will be accepted as posters until board space is full.)
01/17/2025 Session organizers must submit an agenda grid with the final lineup for their session
02/06/2025 Presenter acceptance notifications announced
03/07/2025 Presenters must register to confirm participation
Deadline to register and receive the early bird discount
03/07/2025 Hotel reservation deadline (or until block is full)
03/21/2025 Sponsorship payments must be received by March 21, 2025, to be recognized in print
03/28/2025 Deadline to cancel registration and receive a partial refund
04/21-24/2025 Conference in Session