Termite Training Programs

On-demand Termite Workshops
The termite laboratory at the FLREC provides educational training sessions about termite biology and control, which are designed as company-wide training events, or events organized by a third party to include multiple companies. Four different on-demand training options are available, ranging from a standard termite workshop, or a termite ID Lab, to a one or two-day in-depth termite workshops covering comprehensive termite biology and control, Florida termite diversity, lab tours, damage inspection, demonstrations, and in-depth discussion. On-demand termite workshops can take several forms and may be adjusted upon request.
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Fumigation School
There is a demand for highly qualified, trained fumigators. This one-week course covers all aspects of structural fumigation. Activities include 38 hours of classroom, lab, and workshop instruction plus two actual on-site structural fumigations. If you are already a Fumigation Professionals, this course will help you stay abreast of recent technological changes, take advantage of improvements in fumigation practices, and keep you up-to-date about changes in rules, regulations, and fumigant labeling. Take advantage of this unique educational opportunity and provide your employees with a thorough education in structural fumigation techniques.
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International Termite Course for Professionals
This course entails 24 hours of instructions, providing in-depth knowledge about termite biology, including material usually not covered during pest control conferences. Those working in the pest control industry, from PMPs to sales reps and technical staffs, will gain an understanding of what termites are, beyond their pest aspects. This course is for anyone working in the industry, who wants to increase their knowledge about these remarkable foes.
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International Termite Course for Academics
This course provides a unique opportunity to obtain in-depth knowledge about termite biology with a strong emphasis on ecology and evolution. You’ll receive 60+ hours of extensive lectures provided by guest experts from around the world. Designed for graduate students, Post-Docs and Faculties who want to learn about termites, students will learn a range of techniques for the collection and rearing of termites and become familiar with termite control methods. If you are interested in social insects overall, this course is for you.
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