Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship of the Water Institute Symposium gives your organization valuable exposure to faculty, staff and students from Florida's institutions of higher learning as well as scientists, engineers, academics, non-governmental organizations, policy makers, water managers, industry representatives, lawyers and the public invested in water resource sustainability initiatives. Your participation in the Water Institute events can have a positive effect on the future of your organization, as the availability of your products and services will be publicized to scientists who strive to advance their research capabilities. Many of the symposium participants will be key stakeholders in the expanding effort to create sustainable water resources programs, institutions and communities in Florida.

Why Should You Sponsor the Water Institute Symposium?

As a participating sponsor, your organization will have the opportunity to:
  • Promote your organization to hundreds of expected attendees
  • Increase awareness regarding your water resources sustainability efforts
  • Establish connections with companies and scientific institutions that provide the infrastructure for water research

Sponsorship Levels

Sponsor Levels & Benefits Platinum
Complimentary symposium registration(s) 6 3 2 1 0
Your organization's logo and link on the symposium sponsor webpage
Recognition in e-announcements distributed to more than 5,000+ water systems professionals
Acknowledgement during the opening plenary  
Recognition in session room PowerPoint slides  
One six-foot table for a tabletop display    
Brochures and materials displayed in Registration Area*
(printing & delivery costs covered by sponsor)
Logo on front cover of digital Program Book*        
Recognition signage as presentation download station sponsor*        
*indicates sponsorship level must be committed to by January 10, 2022
Graduate Student Poster Award Sponsorship
$1,000 | Limit of Four
Provides $1,000 in travel funds for up to 4 of the top student posters to present their research at a future national conference
Student Registration Sponsorship
Provides support for attending students to pay a highly reduced symposium registration
Please note complimentary registrations are not included with the student sponsorships
Logo and link on the symposium sponsor webpage Logo and link on the symposium sponsor webpage
Recognition in e-announcements distributed to more than 5,000+ professionals affiliated with water systems Recognition in e-announcements distributed to more than 5,000+ professionals affiliated with water systems
Logo recognition in printed symposium program book Name printed in symposium program book
Recognition through PowerPoint slides in session rooms Recognition on Student Sponsor Signage
Explicit thanks before award presentation
Recognition on Student Sponsor Signage
On the Sponsorship Commitment Form, you may choose from three payment options:
  1. Pay by credit card
  2. Indicate you will be mailing a check (have the check number handy if possible)
  3. Purchase Order / Request an Invoice*

*If an invoice is required for your organization to process the sponsorship payment, check the Request Invoice box on the financial section of the form and you will receive the invoice as a PDF attachment to your email confirmation. Sponsorship payments are payable to: University of Florida Leadership & Education Foundation, Inc. (UFLEF) [Federal ID: 59-3104978] and should be mailed to:

PO Box 110750 (Physical: 2311 Mowry Road, Bldg. 78)
Gainesville, FL 32611

Not seeing the perfect package?

If you are interested in contributing to the symposium in a way not listed in our sponsorship options, please contact Jessica Bailey at j.bailey@ufl.edu.