Symposium has ended
February 25-26, 2020
J. Wayne Reitz Union
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Sustainable Event Certification
The University of Florida’s Office of Sustainability offers valuable information on how to plan execute the most sustainable event possible. The University of Florida has a special obligation to meet the challenges of sustainability. To achieve the goal of a sustainable UF, we are committed to encouraging and facilitating the collaborative efforts of faculty, students, and staff to generate knowledge, acquire skills, develop values, and initiate practices that contribute to a sustainable, high quality of life on campus, in the state of Florida, and across the globe.
The 2020 UF Water Institute Symposium was evaluated in the following four categories to determine the event’s level of dedication to sustainability:
- Venue, Transportation and Accommodations
- Planning & Promoting Your Event
- Event Materials & Purchasing
- Signs and Décor
- Food Services
- Serving and Service ware
- Decorating and Purchasing
- Social Sustainability
- Economic Sustainability
- Hosting
- Conserving Energy
- Education and Engagement for Participants
- Waste Management on Campus
- Evaluation and Celebrating Success

More information on sustainable UF events, please visit the Sustainable-event Certification Guide.