Symposium has ended

February 25-26, 2020

J. Wayne Reitz Union
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida

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Extension Scholarships

UF/IFAS Extension is providing 10 scholarships (paid early registration & up to $250 travel) for 10 County and Regional Extension agents to attend, present and/or judge at the Water Institute’s 7th biennial symposium.


Your participation in the symposium will:
  • showcase how Extension programs contribute to sustainability of water resources in Florida
  • increase your understanding of water issues in Florida
  • further your ability to conduct effective programming to address Extension’s Roadmap priority of “enhancing and protecting water quality, quantity and supply”
  • provide opportunities for you to meet and make useful contacts with others in Florida’s water-resource community.

How to Apply:

  1. If you want to present at the Symposium: Submit an abstract before October 4th to present a successful water-related extension program, or a concept for a program, designed to ultimately help mitigate one of the four pressing issues addressed in the Symposium. Write "I am applying for an Extension Scholarship" in the first line of your abstract.
  2. If you don’t want to present at the Symposium: Submit a personal statement (should not exceed 300 words) explaining how your program will benefit from attending the Symposium. Statements should be sent to Preference will be given to Extension agents that submit an abstract. Scholarship recipients will be asked to judge at the Symposium’s poster competition.
When notified by the Water Institute that you have been selected for a scholarship:
  1. Register through PDEC for the In-Service Training titled “Scholarships for 10 County Extension Faculty to attend the 2020 biennial University of Florida Water Institute Symposium”. You will get a chartfield to charge your travel expenses.
  2. Pay your early registration fee for the symposium before December 9. Use a p-card or pay with your own money and get reimbursed by Extension.
  3. Submit a Travel Authorization in myUFL (PeopleSoft) to be reimbursed by Extension, using the chartfield that you got from the IST.


Paloma Carton de Grammont
Research Coordinator
UF Water Institute
Phone: 352-294-7744

UF Water institute

The UF Water Institute brings together talent from throughout the University to address complex water issues through innovative interdisciplinary research, education, and public outreach programs. We envision a Water Institute at UF committed to addressing Florida issues while being recognized for providing solutions, science, and education for national and global water resource problems.

Duke Energy

Duke Energy is one of the largest electric power holding companies in the United States, providing electricity to 7.6 million retail customers in six states. They are transforming their customers’ experience, modernizing the energy grid, generating cleaner energy and expanding natural gas infrastructure to create a smarter energy future for their customers.

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