Formal Poster Session
Wednesday, March 24
6:00pm–7:30pm EDT
Join us for a fun and interactive poster session Wednesday, March 24 starting at 6:00pm. Conducted as a live Zoom meeting, those who are presenting posters virtually will be designated as individual Breakout Rooms. Attendees can jump from room to room (or poster to poster) to engage with presenters and attendees alike. Poster presenters will be able to share their screens and show PowerPoint slides visualizing each section of their posters so they can describe their work in more detail.
As an incentive for attendees to visit as many posters as possible, we are giving away four $125 gift cards! The more posters you visits, the more times your name is entered in a drawing for each session. Winners will be selected randomly and announced at the end of the Closing Plenary on Thursday, March 25, 2021.