Planning Committee
Dr. John R. White, Conference Chair
Associate Dean of Research, CC&E and John and Catherine Day Professor of Oceanography & Coastal Science, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, LSU College of the Coast & Environment, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Dr. Todd Z. Osborne, Conference Co-Chair
Assistant Professor, UF/IFAS Soil & Water Sciences Dept., Estuarine Ecosystems Laboratory, Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory, Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences, Gainesville, FL, USA
Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy, Graduate Research Professor, UF/IFAS Soil & Water Sciences Dept., Gainesville, FL, USA
Ms. Beth Miller-Tipton, Director, UF/IFAS Office of Conferences & Institutes (OCI), Gainesville, FL, USA
John R. White. Ph.D.
Conference Chair

Associate Dean of Research and Professor
John and Catherine Day Professor
Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA
My research interests in the environment were forged at an early age as I wandered along the beaches of New England collecting rocks and sand dollars, which eventually led to degrees in Geology, Geological Oceanography and Soil and Water Science. At LSU for the past 16 years, I am engaged in research in a coastal setting that intersects the largest river discharge deltaic system in North America with the largest coastal marsh system in the lower 48 states. A high relative sea level rise rate, due to coupled global eustatic sea level and regional subsidence, has led to a dramatic loss of coastal wetland area. This dynamic setting, from freshwater to brackish to marine, allows us to investigate natural and anthropogenic stressors on biogeochemical functions including carbon sequestration, water quality function, greenhouse gas release rates, primary production and phosphorus cycling in the context of wetland creation, wetland restoration and coastal hypoxia.
The results of this research are used to inform policy makers as part of the Coastal Restoration Program in Louisiana on effective measures as the state seeks to overcome almost of century of coastal land loss. I currently serve as the Associate Dean of Research for the College of the Coast & Environment at LSU, on the Governor’s Steering Committee for the State Master Plan for Louisiana and on the US Environmental Protection Agency Board of Scientific Counselors for Safe and Sustainable Water Resources.
Todd Z. Osborne, Ph.D.
Conference Co-Chair

Associate Professor of Coastal Biogeochemistry
Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
St. Augustine, Florida USA
My interest in environmental science was catalyzed by continual exposure to the wonders of the natural world at a young age which, in turn, led to degrees in biology, environmental engineering and biogeochemistry. As a faculty member at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience in St. Augustine, FL, I seek to meld my scientific interests and training with a lifelong passion for the environment. Arguably, there is no better way to do this than to investigate the intricate ecological processes that define coastal ecosystems.
Estuaries lie at the nexus of freshwaters (rivers, streams, wetlands) and the ocean. These incredibly complex and ecologically important ecosystems are experiencing effects of global climate change in ways that we are only just beginning to understand. Defining the biogeochemical processes and the resulting cascade of ecological effects that climate change brings to our coastal ecosystems is at the center of my research focus. Carbon sequestration, mangrove range expansion and coastal eutrophication are issues of great importance locally and globally and are thus the priority areas of interests for my research program. In addition to estuarine research, I have been very active in the Everglades Restoration arena in the last 15 years and maintain active research in that incredible ecosystem. A co-appointment in the Soil and Water Sciences Department at the University of Florida affords me the opportunity to continue research in many diverse aspects of the Florida Everglades, from agriculture and nutrient management to landscape biogeochemical cycles.
K. Ramesh Reddy, Ph.D.
Conference Advisor

Graduate Research Professor
Interim Director School of Natural Resources and Environment
UF/IFAS Soil and Water Science Department
School of Natural Resources and Environment
Gainesville, Florida USA
Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy is graduate research professor and Interim Director of the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Florida (UF). He conducts research on coupled biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and other contaminants in wetlands and aquatic systems, as related to water quality, carbon sequestration, ecosystem productivity, and restoration. He has worked on Florida’s wetlands and aquatic systems for more than 40 years. Dr. Reddy established an interdisciplinary program on biogeochemistry of wetlands and aquatic systems, through the Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory (WBL) within the Soil and Water Sciences Department (SWSD) at UF. Since its establishment in 1987, the WBL has provided a home for graduate students from various disciplines, postdoctoral associates and visiting scientists. Examples of teaching, research, and extension activities of the WBL can be seen at the web site: Dr. Reddy also served as Chair of the SWSD for 18 years. He has served on numerous advisory committees at state, national, and international levels. He has served on the National Research Council Committee on Soil Science and the Committee on Independent Scientific Review of Everglades Restoration Progress. He also served on several U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board Committee and panels.
Beth Miller-Tipton

UF/IFAS Office of Conferences & Institutes
Gainesville, Florida USA
After nearly a decade in the hotel industry, Beth took the helm of OCI in 1994. Since then, she has provided vision, leadership and a constant supply of energy to a team of creative and dedicated planning professionals. In addition to routine management duties, Beth coordinates several large conferences supporting environmental protection and restoration. She is passionate about customer service, building relationships and says that it’s working with dedicated people toward a common goal that keeps her motivated after all these years. Beth is a graduate of the University of Florida and holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations. When not planning conferences or traveling around the country, you’ll find her recharging her batteries at home in the country (usually on a mower), surrounded by her family and a bevy of four-legged kids.
"Wetlands in a Changing Climate"