Call for Session Proposals
Submission Deadline has Passed
For questions about organizing a session, email John White at or contact Beth Miller-Tipton at
This symposium facilitates interaction and dialogue among those actively engaged in applying principles of biogeochemistry to solving environmental and social problems. If you are interested in or actively involved in wetland management, water quality, restoration, or constructed wetlands, you will have an opportunity to propose a session related to your expertise. Topics of focus are listed on the Topics Page but don’t feel limited to these areas. We seek to capture all emerging issues and new ideas.
Steps to Develop a Session Proposal
- Define the purpose, focus and overarching message of the proposed session.
- Confirm five colleagues with diverse perspectives to present on your session theme.
- Communicate speaker requirements before they agree to give a talk. See below.
- Write a session proposal using our Session Proposal Template (.docx).
- Submit your proposal online by Monday, September 9, 2024 via the online form on conference web site.
Please refer to Key Dates and Deadlines for additional information.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Selection is based on content and expected level of interest in the topic, structure, and overall relevance to the conference and the session's potential for generating useful results and dialogue among attendees. Preference is given to sessions that focus on new and emerging science, that are integrative in nature, and/or that communicate interdisciplinary science effectively to a broad audience.
Session Format
Sessions are 105-minutes long with, five 20-minute talks. There are no panels or discussion-only sessions. Time allotted to speakers is 17 minutes for their presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A afterward.
Session Speaker Requirements
- Be available during conference dates (June 1-5, 2025).
- Submit an abstract by the deadline of Friday, November 15, 2024.
- Pay the $35 abstract submission fee per abstract (non-refundable).
- Comply with the limit of one oral presentation per person. If approached by more than one session organizer, individuals must choose only one session in which to present. However, they may also present a poster.
- Register and pay the applicable registration fee, which we anticipate will be approximately $650 for government, non-profit and industry representatives, and $495 for students and retirees. (Confirmed registration fees will be announced November 12, 2024.)
- There are no one-day registration fees.
Session Organizer Responsibilities
We will notify you by Tuesday, September 10, 2024. If your session is approved, you are responsible for the following:
- Serve as the primary contact for the session. We communicate with one official representative per session.
- Notify your speakers right away the session is approved. The Call for Abstracts will be announced September 11.
- Ensure your session presenters submit abstracts by Friday, November 15, 2024. They will be allowed to submit a revised final abstract by April 4, 2025.
- Moderate the session you have organized.
- Prepare and submit a completed session grid by Friday, December 6, 2024. (After abstract submission closes, we will email you a template. Fill in the final session title and confirmed speaker names with talk titles in the proper order.)
- Make sure all session presenters are registered and confirmed by Friday, January 24, 2025.
- Attend a moderator briefing by Zoom held approximately two weeks prior to the symposium.
Contact Dr. John R. White ( or Beth Miller-Tipton (