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Call for Organized Sessions
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2014

CLICK HERE to submit proposal. - Deadline has passed

The ACES 2014 Program Committee is responsible for developing the program agenda which groups oral presentations related to similar themes. The Program Committee solicits abstracts and then uses these submissions to build unified sessions.

To promote collaboration and interdisciplinary dialogue, we invite you to help us develop the program by proposing sessions related to your field of expertise.

A list of Programmatic Themes being featured at ACES 2014 is outlined on the website. However, proposers should not feel limited to these areas - we want to capture emerging topics and new ideas critical to Ecosystem Services.

Session Time Allowance

The amount of time allotted for each of the concurrent sessions is 105 minutes (e.g. 8:00am-9:45am). In proposing the session format for your topic, you may request one, two or possibly three time slots depending upon the number of time slots needed to cover the topic. Keep in mind, the structure for each 105 minute session is as follows: 5 minutes for "Session Overview and Introduction", then five 20 minute presentations (and/or panel discussions). In addition to traditional 5-speaker sessions; panel sessions proposals, as well as PowerPoint-Free Sessions are also welcomed and encouraged. Please keep in mind that participants frequently move between sessions to view talks so it is important that your session speaker/panel slots be 20 minutes.

Sample Session Agenda
  Session 1A
1:30pm-3:15pm Session Title
1:30pm-1:35pm Introduction & Overview










NOTE: The ACES 2014 organizers reserve the right to refuse proposed sessions if time or space is limiting, and to cancel any session if deadlines are missed by the session organizer.

1. Session Proposal Requirements

  Session proposals should provide the following information:

  1. Provide a Session Title and a brief description of the session, specifying the goals and the technical issues that will be its focus, and a session agenda outlining presentation format. Remember, session titles are critical - most people make decisions about what session to attend based solely on the title.
  2. Include a brief discussion of why the session is of interest and to whom. What is the target audience? Who would benefit most from the proposed session?
  3. Include the names, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the proposed session organizer(s) including the name of the primary contact for the proposed session.
    Note: All details for the session will be finalized via communications with only this individual.
  4. A description of the qualifications of the session organizer(s).
  5. A list of tentatively confirmed speakers and/or proposed invited presenters/panelists.
    (Please include at a minimum email addresses for all proposed speakers)

If Accepted

  1. All session presenters (both invited and contributed) must submit an abstract following the posted guidelines for abstracts. Abstracts are not required for individuals serving as a session panelist who are not giving a formal presentation.
  2. If the session consists of a series of presentations (invited &/or contributed), then session presenters will be expected to present PowerPoint presentations and submit them to the conference organizers following standard guidelines sent to all speakers. *The PowerPoint requirement does not apply to PowerPoint-Free Sessions, however all presenters in PowerPoint-Free sessions must abstain from PowerPoint as projection equipment may not be provided in these rooms.
  3. All session presenters and organizers are expected to register for the conference and pay the applicable fee to attend. Financial support for travel is not available for organizers or presenters.
  4. Session Organizers will be responsible for communicating abstract submission and conference registration instructions to their invited presenters.

2. Submission Format

  1. MSWord Document
  2. Maximum of five, 8 ½” x 11” pages.
  3. Full Contact information for Session Organizer(s) should appear at end of session proposal.
  4. Include a list of invited or proposed session presenters and panelists in the session description, along with their contact information (address, email address, phone number, etc.).
  5. CLICK HERE to View a PERFECT EXAMPLE of a Session Proposal.

3. Important Dates

March 31, 2014

Session Proposal Submission Deadline

May 2, 2014

Acceptance Notification

July 11, 2014

Abstract Submission Deadline

July 21, 2012

Final Session Agenda (order of presentations) Submission Deadline

The ACES 2014 organizers will be responsible for the following:

  1. Providing a meeting place and logistical support for the session including audio visual equipment and AV operators.
  2. Publicizing the session on the conference web site and in meeting materials.
  3. Determining the session date and time (Session organizer requests will be accommodated as much as possible).
  4. Providing Accepted Session Organizers with further instructions on final session agenda submissions and other logistical details.

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Detailed Program Agenda (PDF)

Poster Directory (PDF)

Abstract Book (PDF)

Program Book (PDF)

New Ecosystem Services Guidebook Released at
ACES 2014

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Regular Registration Deadline:
November 10, 2014

Hotel Discounted Reservation Deadline:
November 15, 2014

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