Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, June 13, 2025
(After this date, late abstracts will be accepted as posters until board space is full.)
The organizers encourage researchers working in the Florida Keys, managers, and other interested parties whose decisions impact the region’s marine ecosystem to submit an abstract for consideration as an oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts may be submitted for presentation as a talk or poster and will be published in the digital book of abstracts. During the abstract submission process, you will be asked to identify the most applicable topic for your abstract. Please review the list linked below to determine the theme that best aligns with your presentation.
View Potential Presentation Topics »
Presentation Options:
Talks will be presented during sessions held throughout the day at the conference.
- Speakers will be allotted 15 minutes which includes time for questions by the audience.
- Space on the schedule is very limited, and time allows for a maximum of 70 talks.
- Oral submissions not approved as talks will be offered a poster presentation, until all spaces are filled.
Posters are on display in the Poster and Sponsor Display Room, the primary gathering spot where morning, mid-day and afternoon refreshments are served, maximizing visibility and opportunities for discussion.
- Space is limited to 96 posters and submissions will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Posters will be assigned to one of two formal sessions - Group 1 on Tuesday or Group 2 on Wednesday.
- Detailed display specifications will be provided in the poster presenter notification.
- You will also be asked to submit a PDF of your Poster for publication on the conference web site.
Please Note: All presentations – talks and posters – will be delivered solely by in-person attendees. There are no remote presentation options.
Abstract Preparation & Submission Guidelines:
Follow these steps to prepare and submit an abstract:
- Use this official Abstract Template (.docx) to create a perfectly formatted abstract.
- Proof your abstract carefully and obtain applicable approvals prior to submission.
- Registration by Friday, August 22 is required to participate and make a presentation.
General Guidelines:
- Authors are limited to giving one presentation, thus a maximum of one abstract submission per person.
- Oral presentations are allotted 15 minutes which includes 3 minutes for questions.
- Posters will be presented throughout the conference in the Poster Hall.
- Indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation when submitting the abstract.
- Proof your abstract carefully and obtain applicable approvals prior to submission.
- Complete the Online Submission Form, click the button below. (If your email address is incorrect, you will not receive a confirmation.)
- View the Key Dates & Deadlines page.
Registration Required to Present
All presenters (oral and poster) are required to register and pay the applicable fee by Friday, August 22, 2025, to attend and present at the conference. If not registered by this date, your presentation may be removed from the program.
Abstract Submission Fee
A fee of $35.00 per abstract is charged at the time of submission. This fee must be paid by credit card so have your credit card handy before you begin the abstract submission process. The fee is non-refundable.
Submission Confirmation
After completing the online submission, a confirmation is instantly emailed to you verifying transmission of the abstract. If you don't receive this email, we did not receive your abstract. Don't see the confirmation email in your inbox? Check your spam folder.
Registration Fees
The estimated registration fees for preliminary planning and budgeting purposes are $595 for general attendees and $495 for students and retirees. Confirmed fees will be announced on June 9. One-day fees are not available. No exceptions.