Detailed Agenda
Sunday, October 20, 2024 | |||
12:30pm-4:30pm |
Optional Far Out Tours
Far Out Tour #1: Mead Botanical Garden & Everoak Farm
Far Out Tour #2: Everoak Farm & UF/IFAS Orange County Extension
4:30pm-6:30pm | Pre-Conference Registration Open [Palms Ballroom Foyer] Silent Auction Donation Check-In [Palms EFG] |
Monday, October 21, 2024 | |||
7:00am-4:30pm | Registration Open [Palms Ballroom Foyer] Silent Auction Donation Check-In [Palms EFG] |
8:00am-9:30am |
Opening Plenary Session
[Palms Ballroom] Welcome and Announcements
Wendy Wilber, Florida Statewide Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, University of Florida Invited Speakers
Dr. Jaret Daniels, Curator & Program Director of McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, University of Florida
Dr. Adam Dale, Associate Chair for Extension & Associate Professor, University of Florida
“Pollinator Conservation in Human-dominated Landscapes”
Concurrent Sessions 1-3 | |||
9:30am-10:30am | Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 |
Location | Magnolia A | Magnolia B | Magnolia C | Moderator | Jillian Meek | Jennifer Marvin | Theresa Badurek |
Speaker | Dr. Steve Johnson UF/IFAS Wildlife Ecology & Conservation "Invasive Animals in Florida & What's Next" |
Claire Lewis, Tom Wichman, & Chad Crawford Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program™ "Florida-Friendly Landscape Updates and Impacts" |
Dr. Brian Bahder UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center "Palm Diseases Update" |
10:30am-10:45am | Morning Refreshment Break [Palms Ballroom Foyer] | ||
10:30am-5:00pm | UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore Open [Cypress 1] | ||
Concurrent Sessions 4-6 | |||
10:45am-11:45am | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 |
Location | Magnolia A | Magnolia B | Magnolia C | Moderator | Lisa Strange | Mark Tancig | Clarissa Chairez |
Speaker | Dr. Stephen Enloe UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants "Invasive Plants in Florida & What's Next" |
Brooke Moffis UF/IFAS Extension (Lake County) "Florida Native Groundcovers and Eco-System Services" |
Dr. Mica McMillan UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center "Palm Nutrition Update" |
12:00pm-1:00pm | Lunch & Service Awards [Palms Ballroom] |
Concurrent Sessions 7-9 | |||
1:00pm-1:45pm | Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 |
Location | Magnolia A | Magnolia B | Magnolia C | Moderator | Tia Silvasy | Jeremy Rhoden | Abigail Payne |
Speaker | Dr. Jaret Daniels & Dr. Bernie Mach University of Florida "Pollinators and IPM" |
Dr. Heather Kalaman UF/IFAS Extension (Orange County) "Under Utilized Florida Natives" |
Dr. Tripti Vashisth & Jamie Burrow UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center "Citrus Update" |
Concurrent Sessions 10-12 | |||
2:00pm-3:00pm | Session 10 | Session 11 | Session 12 |
Location | Magnolia A | Magnolia B | Magnolia C | Moderator | Kathy Oliver | Theresa Badurek | Holly Bates |
Speaker | Mark Tancig UF/IFAS Extension (Leon County) "No Mow March" |
Dr. Gail Hansen UF/IFAS Department of Environmental Horticulture "Urban Ecology/Nature for People" |
Amanda Marek & Mark Bailey UF/IFAS Extension (Marion County) "Foodscaping" |
3:00pm-3:15pm | Afternoon Refreshment Break [Palms Ballroom Foyer] Silent Auction Opens [Palms EFG] |
3:15pm-4:15pm |
Plenary Session
[Palms Ballroom] Introduction
Wendy Wilber, Florida Statewide Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, University of Florida Invited Speaker
Marc Frank, Extension Botanist, University of Florida "Wildflowers and Weeds: Exploring Nativeness"
4:30pm-6:30pm | Welcome Social & FFL Awards -and- Special Award Sponsored by the Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program™ [Palms Ballroom] |
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 | |||
7:00am-5:00pm | Registration Open UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore Open [Cypress 1] |
7:00am-4:30pm | Silent Auction Open [Palms EFG] | ||
8:35am-9:45am |
Plenary Session
[Palms Ballroom] Introduction
Wendy Wilber, Florida Statewide Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, University of Florida Invited Speakers
Dr. Nick Taylor, State Specialized Extension Agent, University of Florida
Dr. Yilin Zhuang, Water Resources Regional Specialized Agent, University of Florida
“The Past, Present, and Future of Florida’s Water”
9:45am-10:15am | Morning Refreshment Break [Palms Ballroom Foyer] | ||
Concurrent Sessions 13-15 | |||
10:15am-11:15am | Session 13 | Session 14 | Session 15 |
Location | Magnolia A | Magnolia B | Magnolia C | Moderator | Holly Bates | Anne Yasalonis | Tonya Ashworth |
Speaker | Dr. Bill Lester UF/IFAS Extension (Hernando County) "Spotting Diseases" |
Dr. Taylor Clem UF/IFAS Extension (Nassau County) "HOAs and Florida Friendly Landscaping" |
Dr. Mary Lusk UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center "Using Reclaimed Water and Urban Water Issues" |
11:30am-12:30pm | Lunch & Industry Updates -and- Awards of Excellence Presentations [Palms Ballroom] |
12:30pm-1:30pm |
Plenary Session
[Palms Ballroom] Introduction
Wendy Wilber, Florida Statewide Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, University of Florida Tom Wichman, Asst. Director & GI-GMP Statewide Coordinator, Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program™
Invited Speaker
Debbie Mola, Horticulturist, Walt Disney World Company "Containers that Wow"
Concurrent Sessions 16-18 | |||
1:30pm-2:30pm | Session 16 | Session 17 | Session 18 |
Location | Magnolia A | Magnolia B | Magnolia C | Moderator | Ashley Ellis | Nickie Munroe | Taylor Clem |
Speaker | Dr. Marguerite Beckford UF/IFAS Extension (Citrus County) "Tree Health and Survival in Residential Settings" |
Emily Marois & Kara Krueger UF/IFAS Extension (Palm Beach County) "Zone 10 Natives" |
Kaydie McCormick UF/IFAS Extension (Seminole County) "The Science of Seeds" |
2:30pm-3:00pm | Afternoon Refreshment Break & Optional County Photos [Palms Ballroom Foyer] Last Call for Silent Auction Bids [Palms EFG] |
3:00pm-4:00pm |
Groovy Workshops
"gARTening" with Clarissa Chairez [Cypress Patio]
"Horticulture Happy Hour" with Wayne Hobbs [Palms Ballroom]
"Hydroponics" with Jeremy Rhoden [Magnolia C]
"Yoga for Gardeners" with Terra Freeman [Magnolia A & B]
4:00pm-5:30pm | Silent Auction Checkout [Palms EFG] | ||
4:00pm-6:00pm | 4-H Plant ID and Judging Contest [Cypress 2-4] |
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 | |||
8:00am-11:00am | Registration Open UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore Open [Cypress 1] |
8:30am-11:30am |
Closing Plenary & Legacy Awards
[Palms Ballroom] Introduction
Wendy Wilber, Florida Statewide Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, University of Florida Keynote Speaker
Jenks Farmer, Author, Owner & Plantsman "The Soul of New Southern Gardens"
Jenks builds gardens with a thorough understanding of our climate, soils, and ecosystems. He brings in stories and history, as lessons to build on– or avoid. Jenks wants newcomers, children and all gardeners to find connection to the earth. He'll tell behind the scenes stories and share stunning before and after photos of building two of South Carolina's largest public gardens. Both of which inspire well over a million people a year to get their hands dirty and to consider the consequences of doing so. Drawing from years of hands-on experience in organic nurseries and crafting private sanctuaries, Jenks shares practical wisdom and creative inspiration. This talk is an invitation to open our hearts and minds to the changing face of Southern gardening. Jenks challenges conventional wisdom while respecting tradition, encouraging gardeners to cultivate spaces that are ecologically vibrant, beautifully designed, and deeply meaningful, along with concrete strategies to bring these ideas to life in your own garden.
Legacy Awards Presentation
Wendy Wilber, Florida Statewide Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, University of Florida Tonya Ashworth, Extension Agent (Duval County), University of Florida Keynote Speaker
Carol Reese, Author & Extension Horticulture Specialist (Retired), University of Tennessee "Native Plants: Facts, Fabrications and Foibles"
Are native plants really more likely to succeed? Are they always the better choice for supporting insects? Carol’s program separates fact from fiction, and champions all well behaved plants that provide exceptional sustenance for insects and other wildlife. She suggests that dismissing a plant on the basis of its origin rather than its ecological merits has potential to result in more harm than good to our stressed and polluted planet. This thought-provoking program will question the entire concept of “native” - and if trying to freeze the available plant selections to a particular moment in time is beneficial - or even possible. Hold onto your hats while Carol humorously uses Frankenstein, Sitting Bull, mastodons, space travel and kitchen blenders to build her case on the importance of not limiting the plant palette, and invites unification over the hugely important goal of providing for the “little things that run the world”. (Phrase coined by the late great E.O. Wilson)
Closing Remarks
Wendy Wilber, Florida Statewide Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, University of Florida |
11:30am | Conference Concludes |