Poster Presenter Information & Instructions
Posters will be on display in the Exhibit Room at the Rion Ballroom of the Reitz Union during the first two days of the conference. Time is dedicated to viewing posters throughout the conference as well as during a poster reception providing opportunities to share work with stakeholders and other conference attendees.
Plan to set up your poster upon registration which begins at 7:30am on December 5.
Plan to remove your poster at the conclusion of the sessions at 5:00pm on Tuesday, December 6.
Upon notification that your poster abstract has been accepted, confirm your
participation by registering for the conference no later than October 24th,. All participants including contributing speakers, poster presenters, and exhibit presenters are required to register and pay the fee by October 24th to confirm attendance and participation in the conference.
Prior to the event, make arrangements to have your poster printed and bring it to the registration desk at the beginning of the conference.
Poster Specifications:
- Posters will be limited to 4 feet high x 6 feet wide (1.22M high x 1.83M wide). Allow a 4-inch x 4-inch space (10.16cm x 10.16cm) for a poster number in the upper left-hand corner of your poster. Each poster will be assigned a number in advance so that you will know where to place your poster.

- Poster boards will be freestanding.
- Posters must be presented using the poster boards provided by the conference. The poster boards are contiguous, and presenters may not use their own self-contained displays. Due to space constrictions, no tables or electricity will be provided.
- Poster boards are covered with fabric, and posters can be affixed using either Velcro or ¾” long push pins. Tape is not permitted. A limited supply of Velcro tape will be available for your use during mounting, but we recommend you bring a supply with you. Multiple strips two inches in length work best.
- Poster display boards will be dismantled and removed by the vendor at the meeting’s end, so please plan to remove your poster at the conclusion of the sessions at 5:00pm on Tuesday, December 6. Refer to the agenda for poster view times.