Agenda and Schedule of Presentations

Our speakers, all active members of academia, industry, and government, are selected because of their depth of knowledge in these pertinent topics and their enthusiasm in sharing their insights. Our goal is to continue advancing improved science and business processes and to enhance the success of the citrus and beverage industry.

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Please note that the official language of the conference is English.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Opening/Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Renée Goodrich, UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, Gainesville, FL
Dr. Susan Percival, UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, Gainesville, FL
Dr. Tom Obreza, UF/IFAS Office of Dean for Extension, Gainesville, FL
Session 1: Citrus Updates
  • Orange Juice: U.S. Movement and Projected Demand
    Dr. Marisa Zansler, Florida Department of Citrus, Gainesville, FL
  • Processed Lemon Outlook
    Mr. Manuel Suarez Altuna, San Miguel Global, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Session 2: Marketing Insights
  • Citrus Market Research Update
    Dr. Lisa House, UF/IFAS Food and Resource Economics Department, Gainesville, FL
  • The Role of Citrus in the Emerging Consumer
    Mr. Ed Koza, Firmenich, New York, NY 
  • Adapting to a New Normal: The Post-COVID Consumer
    Dr. Dave Lundahl, InsightsNow, Corvallis, OR
Session 3: Industry Trends & Considerations
  • Sustainability and Traceability in Citrus
    Ms. Kim Dietz, Firmenich, Chico, CA
  • Potential Impact of Consumer Loss of Taste & Smell
    Dr. Steven Munger, UF Center for Smell and Taste, Gainesville, FL
  • What's Trending in Beverages
    Ms. Amy Marks-McGee, Trendincite, LLC, Bronx, NY
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Session 4: Processing Technology
  • The Future of Food & Beverage Technology
    Mr. Alex Schuermans, Citrosuco, Vienna, Austria
    Mr. Roy Henderson, Green Cell Technologies, Douglas, Isle of Man, United Kingdom
  • Ohmic Heating for Juice Applications
    Mr. Antonio Aldini, JBT Corporation, Parma, Italy
  • Citrus Juice Processing Side Stream Valorization: The Case for Steam Explosion
    Dr. Christina Dorado, USDA-ARS, Ft. Pierce, FL
Session 5: HLB-related Hot Topics
  • In Search of the Holy Grail: New HLB Resistant Trees and Implications for OJ Standards – FCPA Update
    Ms. Kristen Carlson, Florida Citrus Processors Association (FCPA), Tampa, FL
  • Developing a Genomic Pipeline to Accelerate Development of New HLB-tolerant Citrus Cultivars
    Dr. Ed Stover, USDA-ARS, Ft. Pierce, FL
  • New Varieties for Processing - An Update
    Dr. Fred Gmitter, UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, FL
Closing Remarks

UF/IFAS Extension

Extension is a partnership between state, federal, and county governments to provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. The University of Florida (UF), together with Florida A&M University (FAMU), administers the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. UF/IFAS Extension encompasses thousands of Extension faculty members, scientists, educators, administrative staff, and volunteers, all working to provide solutions for your life.

UF Food Science & Human Nutrition

The Food Science and Human Nutrition Department (FSHN) is one of the world’s largest combined academic programs where food science, nutritional sciences, and dietetics are all studied within one department. FSHN has nearly 25 full-time faculty members, 80 graduate assistants, and 600 undergraduate students.


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