Call for Abstracts

Submission deadline has passed.

All individuals interested in ecologic, economic, market, geographic, institutional, educational, outreach, and management aspects of ecosystem services are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation. Oral and poster presentations will be selected from abstract submissions, and abstracts from all presentations will be published in the conference Book of Abstracts.

Note: All pre-organized contributed session presenters must also submit an individual abstract.

Program Themes

A full list of Programmatic Themes being featured at ACES 2018 is outlined here. Be sure to review the Program Themes web page, as the Program Committee has identified topics they would especially like to encourage. However, abstract submitters should not feel limited to these specified areas – organizers want to capture emerging topics and new ideas critical to Ecosystem Services.

Oral Presentations

Individual abstract submissions will be grouped topically to form thematic sessions. These sessions, combined with pre-organized contributed sessions, will be used to prepare the program agenda of scheduled presentations.

Poster Presentations

Posters will be on display throughout the conference in the Poster & Sponsor Display Room. This is the primary gathering spot where morning, mid-day, and afternoon refreshments will be served. The agenda will also feature lunches and a Poster Session Reception in this room. These networking functions maximize opportunities for interaction amongst presenters, colleagues, and sponsor representatives.

Additional Information

  • Click here for Session Organizer Instructions
  • Click here for Oral Presentation Setup Information and Speaker Instructions
  • Click here for Poster Information and Instructions

Registration Required to Participate

All participants including speakers, poster presenters, panelists, session organizers, and moderators are required to register and pay the applicable registration fee to attend the conference.

To assist with preliminary budgeting and attendance approval, the estimated registration fee is $475 to $500 (or $275 to $300 for student attendees). Confirmed registration fees will be posted on this web page in the coming months.

Submission Deadline

If you wish to make an oral or poster presentation, please submit an abstract no later than June 8, 2018. Abstracts MUST be submitted ONLINE via this website. Abstract submitters will be notified by July 23, 2018 of their acceptance to the conference program and their designated presentation format.

NOTE: Because of the high level of interest in this event, we cannot guarantee that all presentation format requests (oral or poster) will be honored.

Abstract Preparation and Formatting Instructions

The abstract submission process consists of completing THREE consecutive steps:

Step 1. Review and follow abstract preparation and submission instructions below.

Step 2. Submit presenter profile information and upload abstract file via the online form.

Step 3. Save abstract submission confirmation email for your files.

Click the sample abstract linked below to access the pre-formatted template. We strongly recommend using this template as the starting point for your abstract submission. Following are the specific formatting guidelines which have been incorporated into the sample.

Sample Abstract Template

  • Abstracts should only be submitted as a Microsoft Word file.
  • Files must be named with only letters or numbers, or combinations thereof. Symbols (dashes, etc.) and commas will not properly transmit.
    EXAMPLES: INCORRECT: Smith_J, V-2.doc | CORRECT: SmithJ2.doc
    (We recommend using your name so that files can be easily traced.)
  • Abstracts should be no longer than ONE (1) page in length.
  • No graphs or figures should be included in the abstract.
  • Use standard "letter" paper size (8.5" X 11"). Do NOT use A4 paper size.
  • Set margins at 1" on top, bottom, and sides.
  • Use a sans serif font, preferably Calibri. Set font size to 11 points.
  • The title should be short, yet accurately reflect the abstract and later presentation. Attempt to limit the title to one line. The title is a descriptive label, not a sentence.
  • Type abstract title flush left at the top of the page and in ALL CAPS AND BOLD.
  • Use appropriate formatting within titles: italics (for scientific names), subscript (for scientific formulas), superscript (mathematic equations), etc.
  • List the senior author first and bold the name of the presenting author.
  • Identify author affiliations using superscript numerals.
  • Do not include professional titles of the authors. Include ONLY the affiliation name, city, state, and country in abstract listing. (DO NOT include full mailing address at the top of the abstract.)
  • Abstracts should be approximately 250-500 words, including title, author(s), text, and contact information.
  • Type the body of the abstract single-spaced without indents or tabs. Double space between paragraphs.
  • Apply bolding, italics, underlining, superscripts and subscripts in your main text as you want it to appear in your final abstract.
  • Include full contact information for the presenting author at the very end of the abstract as follows:

    BIO (50-word maximum): Lorem ipsum dolors sit met, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculous mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec.

    Contact Information: J. Mark Genesis, Soil & Water Science Department, University of Florida/IFAS, 000 Mowry Road, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA, Phone: 000-555-5555, Email:
  • PROOF your abstract before you send it. Do not forget to proof all author information as well. Abstracts will be published exactly as they are submitted.
  • When completing the online submission form, provide contact information for the presenting author only.

Not sure how to prepare an abstract or what should be included? Check out these links:

After you have successfully completed the first two abstract submission process steps listed above, a confirmation form will be generated confirming receipt of your abstract. Please keep a copy of this form on file for your records.

If you do not receive a confirmation form, the submission did not go through. For questions or to verify the status of your abstract, contact Kristin Zupancic at or 352-294-3582.

Submission deadline has passed.

The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is a federal-state-county partnership dedicated to developing knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and the life sciences, and enhancing and sustaining the quality of human life by making that information accessible. While extending into every community of the state, UF/IFAS has developed a national and international reputation for its accomplishments in teaching, research and Extension.


OCI stands for the Office of Conferences & Institutes. It is a full service conference planning agency at the University of Florida. OCI was created to support the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) mission to develop knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and to make that knowledge available to people to sustain and enhance the quality of life.

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Get in Touch

Kristin Zupancic
ACES Conference Coordinator
  • Phone:
    (352) 294-3582
  • Email:
  • Address:
    2311 Mowry Road, Bldg. 78
    PO Box 110750
    Gainesville, FL 32611
  • Questions?
    Contact Us