Conference Topics
In 2022, as we meet in the Nation's capital, we want to build on our discussion of the future of ecosystem services. Let's come together and focus on "Leveraging Opportunities for Ecosystem Services Implementation."
Panel sessions and presentations will focus the following topics:
- The intersection of climate science, policy, and ecosystem services
- Ecosystem services use in environmental markets, incentive programs, and nudges
- The role of ecosystem services in traditional and nature-based infrastructure planning and implementation
- Ecosystem services to support America the Beautiful and other conservation initiatives (including environmental justice and social components, Climate Change and Biodiversity)
- State of the science and applications of ecosystem services
These topics will form the major emphasis and organization of the conference in 2022; however, they are not intended to exclude or discourage submission of organized sessions and/or individual abstracts that may not fit within them that are relevant to ecosystem services. We want to capture all emerging topics and new ideas critical to ecosystem services.
If you are interested in organizing a session, consider submitting a proposal for consideration. For details on preparing and submitting a proposal, visit our Call for Session Proposals page.