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Poster #9
Stantec, Haymarket, VA
Supporting Geomorphic Processes Across the Riverscape in Stream Restoration Design –The Use of Wood in Rural and Urban Stream Restoration Projects
General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT), Falls Church, VA
Interagency Ecological Restoration Quality Committee (IERQC) – Advancing Applications of Quality Assurance in Ecological Restoration Across the Laurentian Great Lakes
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, Los Altos, CA
Results of Long-Term Bat Mitigation Monitoring: Artificial Replacement Habitat Supports Rare Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat, as well as Maternity Roosts of Common Bat Species
Body Size and Stable Isotope Ratios of Adult Net-Spinning Caddisflies (Hydropsyche oslari) Reflect Growing Conditions for Aquatic Insects during Flow Experimentation on the Regulated Colorado River
Combining Environmental Monitoring and the Fossil Record to Support Coral Reef Management in the East Portland Special Fishery Conservation Area, Jamaica