Exhibitor List
AECOM Technologies Inc. [Non-exhibiting sponsor]
WEBSITE: www.aecom.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Christopher Benosky (christopher.benosky@aecom.com )
AECOM is a global provider of professional technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including water, environment, transportation, facilities, energy, and government. AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in delivering solutions that create, enhance, and sustain the world's built, natural, and social environments.
WEBSITE: www.arcadis-us.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Robert Daoust (robert.daoust@arcadis-us.com)
is an international company providing consultancy,
design, engineering and management services in
infrastructure, water, environment and buildings. We
enhance mobility, sustainability and quality of life
by creating balance in the built and natural
environments. ARCADIS develops, designs, implements,
maintains and operates projects for companies and
governments. With 21,000 employees and more than
$3.2 billion in revenues, the company has an
extensive international network supported by strong
local market positions. ARCADIS is a recognized
leader in ecosystem restoration in the US and around
the world. ARCADIS supports UN-HABITAT with
knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of
life in rapidly growing cities around the world.
Brown and Caldwell [BOOTH #14]
WEBSITE: www.brownandcaldwell.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Laynee Leslie (lleslie@browncald.com)
Brown and Caldwell is an engineering firm with a history of delivering innovative solutions. We are a recognized leader in water resources, infrastructure, and environmental services. We are ranked by Engineering News-Record among the Top 500 Design Firms worldwide (up to #47 in 2013), indicating the firm’s strength in the midst of a difficult economy. Brown and Caldwell is the largest consulting firm focused on the U.S. environmental sector. By staying 100% environmentally focused, we maintain knowledge of regulatory drivers and know-how to implement solutions that cut the cost of compliance and achieve sustainability. |
Cardno ENTRIX [BOOTH #2]
WEBSITE: www.cardnoentrix.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Cassondra Thomas (cassondra.thomas@cardno.com)
Cardno ENTRIX offers water resources management, environmental liability and risk management, natural resources management, and permitting and compliance services. We specialize in habitat restoration approaches that incorporate sustainable, cost-effective strategies for the long-term management of natural resources. Our multidisciplinary staff offers the range of technical expertise necessary to assist clients with all phases of the habitat restoration process.
CDM Smith [BOOTH #10]
WEBSITE: www.cdmsmith.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Timothy Feather (feathertd@cdmsmith.com)
CDM Smith provides lasting and integrated solutions for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem restoration and for built infrastructure within these natural environments. Our worldwide portfolio of relevant projects encompasses studies, planning, design, and implementation. Working with diverse partners, CDM Smith has delivered ecosystem restoration projects requiring multidisciplinary design, endangered species and habitat surveys, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and ecological risk assessments.
Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana [BOOTH #9]
WEBSITE: www.coastal.la.gov
REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Kurz (jenny.kurz@la.gov)
The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority is established as the state entity with authority to articulate a statement of priorities and focus development & implementation efforts to achieve comprehensive coastal protection for Louisiana. Our mandate is to develop, implement and enforce a comprehensive coastal protection & restoration Master Plan. CPRA works to establish a safe and sustainable coast to protect towns, the nation's energy infrastructure, and natural resources for years.
Dynamic Solutions, LLC [BOOTH #35]
WEBSITE: www.dsllc.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Christopher Wallen (cmwallen@dsllc.com)
Dynamic Solutions, LLC is building a better future and a cleaner environment through the expert application of advanced hydrodynamic, sediment transport, water quality, toxics transport and aquatic ecosystem modeling tools. For over 16 years, we have been one of the nation’s leading multi-dimensional surface water modeling firms focusing their modeling practice on restoring and enhancing the ecological viability of their water resources while balancing the needs of mankind.
Environment Canada [BOOTH #7]
WEBSITE: www.ec.gc.ca
REPRESENTATIVE: Tina Romaneh (Tina.Romaneh@ec.gc.ca)
Environment Canada is the federal organization whose programs, services, and people lead the way in implementing the Government of Canada’s environmental agenda. We collaborate with our partners at home and abroad, to realize concrete progress on initiatives that will protect the health of our people and our planet. At Environment Canada (EC), our business is protecting the environment, conserving the country's natural heritage, and providing weather and meteorological information to keep Canadians informed and safe. Environment Canada is building on its accomplishments with the environment through credible science, effective regulations and legislation, successful partnerships, and high-quality service delivery to Canadians. We support sound environmental decisions. We work to repair the damage of the past, to collect and pass on knowledge, and to develop, implement and enforce policies to prevent future issues. We also work to ensure that Canadians have a safe, clean and sustainable environment today, tomorrow and well into the future. |
Environment Coastal & Offshore [Table Top Display]
WEBSITE: www.eco-tsc.com
Environment Coastal & Offshore (ECO) provides comprehensive coverage and analysis of issues affecting the coastal and offshore environment field. Published six times a year in print and digital formats, each issue presents critical business intelligence for professionals in all disciplines of this multi-faceted industry including offshore oil & gas, government agencies, utilities, renewable ocean energy, academia, international banking, engineering, and construction. Highlighting the five key environmental areas of Science, Technology, Economics, Regulatory & Policy, and HSSE, ECO provides insight through a mix of in-depth articles, analytics, and news on the latest projects, trends, technology and policy. |
Eureka/Measurement Specialties [BOOTH #11]
WEBSITE: www.meas-spec.com
REPRESENTATIVE: David Holt (david.holt@meas-spec.com)
Measurement Specialties leads the water resources market with over 25 years of industry experience in the design and manufacture of water-quality and water-level sensors and systems. Our expertise in media-isolated pressure sensors provides our customers with a unique advantage in creative product development and consistent product performance. Our multiprobes measure temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, water depth, ORP, turbidity, chlorophyll, ammonium, nitrate, and other parameters critical to water resources improvement and preservation. |
Forrest Keeling Nursery [BOOTH #5]
WEBSITE: www.forrestkeeling.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Mike Thompson (mthompson@fknursery.com)
Forrest Keeling Nursery is the world-renowned originator of the RPM (Root Production Method ®). Our patented RPM tree technology yields unsurpassed survivability and plant growth, which makes Forrest Keeling plants the benchmark for wetland restorations and large-scale installations in any application. In fact, superior growth rates make RPM trees the standard for problem-solving plantings including carbon sequestration, vegetative environmental buffers and reforestation. |
Full Frame Productions [BOOTH #20 & 21]
WEBSITE: www.fullframeprod.com
REPRESENTATIVE: David Donnenfield (david@filmmakerscollaborative.org)
Full Frame Productions is an award winning video & film production company with expertise in broadcast, advertising, and corporate communications. Our mission is to create memorable viewer experiences that evoke emotion and stimulate thought by combining ideas with creativity. We bring a documentary sensibility to television, non-profit, and corporate communications and advertising – with a strong sense of imaginative, visual storytelling to broadcast and independent filmmaking projects. We have interest, experience, and knowledge in environmental restoration and are well-versed in communicating about large-scale environmental projects. |
GEC, Inc. [BOOTH #33]
WEBSITE: www.gecinc.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Roussel (aroussel@gecinc.com)
GEC was established in 1986 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as a small engineering consulting firm. It has grown over the years into a firm of national prominence by assembling the talents of a large team of engineering, planning, economic, environmental, and Geographic Information Systems professionals focused on solutions to water and land resources concerns. GEC’s success and growth is based on its reputation as a professional organization that provides complete and proficient services from planning to implementation of projects for private and public clients in all parts of the United States. We provide a wide range of expertise for applications to land and water projects. Services are provided separately or in an integrated fashion, depending on client needs. In keeping with the special needs of GEC's clients, our commitment to our clients is to produce high-quality planning and design documents on time, and within budget.
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company [Non-exhibiting sponsor]
WEBSITE: www.gldd.com
REPRESENTATIVE: William Hanson (whhanson@gldd.com)
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company is America's premier dredging contractor. To create, maintain and restore a wide variety of port and coastal assets – harbors, waterways, rivers, wetlands, beaches, and storm-eroded shores – we use our sizeable fleet of specialized dredging equipment to excavate and transport the full range of underwater soils, including silts, sands, clays, and rock. We work worldwide.
The Louis Berger Group, Inc. [BOOTH #30]
WEBSITE: www.louisberger.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Edward Samanns (esamanns@louisberger.com)
The Louis Berger Group’s Ecosystem Restoration Services Team understands the many benefits of a watershed approach. Our approach focuses on developing strategic watershed-based restoration plans that balance the realities of the future population growth and economic development with the need to sustain increasing strained natural resources. Successfully designing and implementing multifaceted and dynamic environments requires a sound technical foundation and creativity and ingenuity. Our ability to blend science and engineering to recreate nature is a reason we are one of the leading, full-service environmental consulting firms in the United States. With a resource base of more than 5,000 professionals and affiliate employees in more than 90 countries, we can respond to local conditions while providing clients with the world-class scientific and industry experts of a leading global organization.
Society for Ecological Restoration [BOOTH #32]
WEBSITE: www.ser.org
REPRESENTATIVE: Leah Bregman (leah@ser.org)
The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) is a membership based non-profit organization with members in more than 70 nations and 14 regional chapters. SER works to promote ecological restoration as a means of sustaining the diversity of life on Earth and reestablishing an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and culture. 2013 marks the Society’s 25th Anniversary which will be celebrated at SER’s 5th World Conference on Ecological Restoration (SER2013). SER2013 will draw together more than 1,200 experts from around the world interested in the science and practice of ecological restoration. |
Stanley Consultants [BOOTH #31]
WEBSITE: www.stanleyconsultants.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Dan Miller (millerdaniel@stanleygroup.com)
Stanley Consultants has a long history of providing successful engineering services to federal, state and local entities. For over 20 years we have provided design services, assessments, studies, and documentation for the maintenance, preservation, restoration, and sustainability of the nation’s natural resources, ecosystems, threatened or endangered species, and habitats. Our proven environmental experience includes wildlife and aquatic habitat restoration, water control features, impact statements, wetland permitting and mitigation, environmental management systems, land reclamation and natural resources management. We know you must implement your mission requirements while being sensitive to the needs of the environment, monitoring economic conditions, reaching sustainability goals, and staying on top of changing regulations and service demands. Our professional engineers, designers and environmental scientists do not have preconceived solutions for your complex needs. We listen to your concerns and explore all the options to tailor an engineering solution that will work for you now and in the future.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. [BOOTH #12]
WEBSITE: www.stantec.com
REPRESENTATIVE: George Athanasakes (george.athanasakes@stantec.com)
Stantec, founded in 1954, provides professional consulting services in planning, engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, surveying, environmental sciences, project management, and project economics for infrastructure and facilities projects. Continually striving to balance economic, environmental, and social responsibilities, we are recognized as a world-class leader and innovator in the delivery of sustainable solutions. We support public and private sector clients in a diverse range of markets, at every stage, from initial concept and financial feasibility to project completion and beyond. Through our people, partnerships, and technology, Stantec supports the successful delivery of ecosystem restoration projects varying in size and complexity. Harnessing unique experience across multiple service areas into a fully integrated team approach yields the company’s competitive advantage. Our strength lies in our commitment to diversity—in our team members, projects, and culture.
TetraTech, Inc. [BOOTH #8]
WEBSITE: www.tetratech.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Kruempel (craig.kruempel@tetratech.com)
Tetra Tech’s multidisciplinary team offers the full lifecycle of natural resource protection and restoration services ranging from initial feasibility assessments and engineering design to post-construction biological and physical monitoring. With more than 14,000 associates operating from 350 offices worldwide, Tetra Tech provides its customers with innovative scientific, sediment management, and restoration solutions by combining world-class environmental services, terrestrial and hydrographic mapping, hydraulic and sediment modeling, geotechnical analysis and engineering, and economic analysis using the most cost-effective approaches. In recognition of our unparalleled qualifications and capabilities, Engineering News – Record (ENR) has ranked Tetra Tech #1 in Water and Environmental Management for the past nine years.
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [BOOTH #4]
WEBSITE: www.umces.edu
REPRESENTATIVE: Dave Nemazie (nemazie@umces.edu)
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) is the most prominent single institution involved in scientific discoveries about the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Although focusing more than 2/3 of its research on this region, the Center's activities are global, involving research from the Arabian Sea to the Yellowstone and from the poles to the tropics.
UMCES' scientists include biologists, ecologists, physicists, chemists, geologists, engineers, and economists who work together in a truly trans-disciplinary community.
URS Corporation [BOOTH #3]
WEBSITE: www.urscorp.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Michael Donahue (michael.donahue@urs.com)
URS Corporation is a leading provider of engineering, construction and technical services for public agencies and private sector companies around the world. The company offers a full range of program management; planning, design and engineering; systems engineering and technical assistance; construction and construction management; operations and maintenance; information technology; and decommissioning and closure services. URS provides services for federal, oil and gas, infrastructure, power, and industrial projects and programs.
V3 Companies, Ltd. [BOOTH #24]
WEBSITE: www.v3co.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Tom Slowinski (tslowinski@v3co.com)
V3 utilizes a comprehensive Design-Build-Manage approach for ecological restoration projects. The following Chicago area restoration projects were designed and/or built by V3’s construction and ecological restoration team: McDowell Grove Dam Removal, Springbrook Creek Remeandering, Messenger Woods Restoration, Churchill Dam Removal, Manhattan Creek Restoration, Hadley Valley Preserve, Fort Sheridan Ravine, and Burnham Prairie. |
The Water Institute of the Gulf [BOOTH #34]
WEBSITE: www.thewaterinstitute.org
REPRESENTATIVE: Nick Speyrer (nspeyrer@thewaterinstitute.org)
The Water Institute of the Gulf is a not-for-profit, independent research institute dedicated to advancing the understanding of coastal, deltaic, river, and water resource systems, both within the Gulf Coast and around the world. Based in Baton Rouge, LA, our mission supports the practical application of innovative science and engineering, providing solutions that benefit society.
Weston Solutions, Inc. [BOOTH #1]
WEBSITE: www.westonsolutions.com
REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Ulrich (cheryl.ulrich@westonsolutions.com)
Weston Solutions delivers integrated and sustainable solutions for environmental restoration, property redevelopment, design/build construction, green buildings, and clean energy. Weston can help develop solutions to maximize the value of your resources and turn environmental responsibility into economic growth. We help clients restore productive assets to build a stronger economy and a healthier ecology. |
Thank you to our sponsors
Conference Deadlines
Abstract Submission Deadline:
- January 7, 2013
Notification of Selected Presenters:
- March 1, 2013
Deadline for Presenters to Register & Confirm Participation:
- April 15, 2013
Early Registration Deadline:
- May 17, 2013
Hotel Registration Deadline:
- June 14, 2013
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