NCER 2013 5th National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration

Tentative Program Agenda

Please take a moment to view this impressive lineup of NCER talks. Presentations feature efforts and challenges affecting ecosystem restoration on small and large scale restoration programs from across the country, including but not limited to the Missouri and Mississippi River Basins, the Louisiana Coastal Area, the Everglades, San Francisco Bay/Delta, Chesapeake Bay, the Great Lakes and Puget Sound, just to name a few.


CLICK HEREto View the Detailed Program Agenda (PDF).
- To quickly find a particular speaker name in the document, use the FIND command (CTRL + F) and type in the last name.


Important Note: This schedule is still a DRAFT and subject to change. It will not be finalized until all presenters have confirmed by the April 15 deadline. It will be updated periodically until finalized.

  • If you are a speaker or program panelist, CLICK HERE to view Speaker Instructions.

Thank you to our sponsors


CLICK HERE to open PDF of Program Book including
Conference Abstracts

Conference Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline:
 - January 7, 2013


Notification of Selected Presenters:
 - March 1, 2013


Deadline for Presenters to Register & Confirm Participation:
 - April 15, 2013


Early Registration Deadline:
 - May 17, 2013


Hotel Registration Deadline:
 - June 14, 2013


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