Poster Presentations

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First Name Last Name Organization Abstract Title PDF
Janam  Acharya  University of Florida  Genetic Parameters for Agronomic Traits in a Reference Alfalfa Population
Camisha  Alexis  University of Florida  Polyploid St. Augustinegrass Hybrids Developed Through Embryo Rescue
Juliana  Andrade Dias  Federal University of Lavras (UFLA)  Structure of the Covariance Matrix and Its Implications on the Selection of Urochloa ruziziensis Clones
Jacobo Arango International Center for Tropical Agriculture Phenotyping of Megathyrsus maximus Founder Population for Breeding Purposes for Its BNI Potential, Biomass Production, Forage Quality and Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Lucas  Araujo  University of Kentucky  A Novel Kentucky Adapted Red Clover Line Displays Increased 2,4-D Tolerance
Giselle  Assis  Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa  Root System of Forage Peanut Genotypes Under Two Levels of Water Availability
Flávia Maria  Avelar Gonçalves  Federal University of Lavras (UFLA)  Efficiency of Early Selection in the Urochloa ruziziensis Breeding
Sanzio  Barrios  Embrapa Beef Cattle  Agronomic and Nutritional Value Evaluation in a Population of Brachiaria Interspecific Hybrids (B. ruziziensis x B. brizantha x B. decumbens)
Daniel Basigalup Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Alfalfa Breeding in Argentina
Pablo  Boeri  University of Florida  Root System Architecture and Root Development of Bahiagrass Mutants under Dry Down and Well-water Conditions
Jessica  Brown  North Carolina State University  QTL Mapping and Proteomic Analysis for the Development of Efficient Selection of Freeze Tolerance in Zoysiagrass
Jamie  Buhlman  University of Florida  Identifying St. Augustinegrass Off-types in Sod Production Fields
Jamie  Buhlman  University of Florida  Measuring Mowing Frequency in Genetically Modified St. Augustinegrass
Phil  Busey  Phil Busey Agronomy Consulting Inc.  Characterization of Genetic Off-types in 'Celebration' Bermudagrass by Inferred Ploidy Level through Flow Cytometry 
Vinicius  Carreteiro Gomes  UNESP - São Paulo State University  Nutritive Value of New Paspalum Accessions for Diversification In Tropical Livestock
Valheria  Castiblanco International Center for Tropical Agriculture  Determining Sites Ideal for a Pilot Experiment in Colombia to Trial New Forages in East Africa
Valheria  Castiblanco International Center for Tropical Agriculture  Identification of Brachiaria humidicola Hybrids with Waterlogging Tolerance and Biological Nitrification Inhibition Capability
Valheria  Castiblanco International Center for Tropical Agriculture Models for Estimating Nutrition Quality of B. Humidicola Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
Valheria  Castiblanco International Center for Tropical Agriculture  Phenotyping Urochloa humidicola Genotypes against Spittlebug Aeneolamia varia (Hemiptera: Cercopidae): An Experimental Comparison between Digital Image and Visual Evaluation
Lucimara  Chiari  Embrapa Beef Cattle  Development of Novel Polymorphic EST-SSR Markers in Guineagrass (Panicum maximum) for Variability Genetic Studies
Noel  Cogan  Agriculture Victoria Research  Boosting Genetic Gain in Tall Fescue via Speed Breeding and Genomic Selection
Noel  Cogan  Agriculture Victoria Research  Cultivar Sub-Selection for Delayed Inflorescence and Improved Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Content and Yield in Perennial Ryegrass
Noel  Cogan  Agriculture Victoria Research  Developing Canopy Based Reflectance Techniques for the Non-Destructive Assessment of Nutritive Characteristics in Perennial Ryegrass Breeding Programs
Noel  Cogan  Agriculture Victoria Research  Implementation of Genomic Selection in Commercial Breeding of Perennial Ryegrass
Katherine  Cox  University of Florida  Polyethylene Glycol Effects on Zoysiagrass Root Growth and Leaf Hydration Status in a Hydroponic System
Clarice  Coyne  USDA  Evaluation of Minor Food and Forage Cool-Season Legume Germplasm as Overwintering Cover Crop Green Manures
Guangxin  Cui  Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences  Domestication and Cultivation of Limonium aureum (L.) Hill
Aline  da Costa Lima Moraes  UNICAMP  Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) Markers for Genetic Map Saturation of Hexaploid Urochloa Humidicola
Rocheteau  Dareus  UF Student  Ploidy Level Effect on Biomass Yield and Foliar Diseases in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) across 12 Years in Florida
Huirong  Duan  Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences  Effects of NACL Treatments on the Growth and Succulence of Salicornia europaea
José  Dubeux  University of Florida  Developing Black Oat Cultivars for Florida Dairies
Maxwell  Duncan  University of Florida  Inhibition of Gaeumannomyces Graminis Var. Graminis by Soil Inhabiting Bacteria Associated with St. Augustinegrass
Flavia  Gimenes  Instituto de Zootecnia  Bromatological Composition of Spontaneous Plants, Grasses and Legume 
Flavia  Gimenes  Instituto de Zootecnia  Nitrogen Concentration in Forage Legume Tissues Submitted to Nitrogen Doses at Planting 
Nicolás  Glison  Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República  Modeling Seedling Emergence of Dallisgrass and Bahiagrass Forage Cultivars with an Empirical Environmental Variable
Beatriz  Gouveia  University of Florida  Genotype-By-Environment Analysis for Turf Quality in Bermudagrass
Sydney  Graham  North Carolina State University  Validation of Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Freeze Tolerance in St. Augustinegrass
Zhenfei  Guo  Nanjing Agricultural University  An Ethylene Responsive Factor from Medicago falcata Confers Cold Tolerance by Upregulating Polyamine Turnover, Antioxidant Protection, and Proline Accumulation
Kathryn  Guthridge  Agriculture Victoria Research  Genetic Modification of Asexual Epichloë Endophytes with the perA Gene for Peramine Biosynthesis
Kathryn  Guthridge  Agriculture Victoria Research  Method Optimisation for the Quantification of Alkaloids in Endophyte-Infected Perennial Ryegrass
Liana  Jank  Embrapa Beef Cattle  Panicum maximum Hybrid Evaluation in Brazil
Baskaran  Kannan  University of Florida  Napiergrass (Cenchrus purpureus Schumach.) Genome Survey and High-Density Genetic Map Construction
Baskaran  Kannan  University of Florida  Oilcane: Metabolic Engineering for Elevating Lipid Content in Vegetative Tissues of Sugarcane 
Kevin  Kenworthy  University of Florida  Release of ‘FAES1307’, ‘FAES1312’, ‘FAES1313’ and ‘FAES1319’ Zoysiagrass Cultivars from the University of Florida
Kevin  Kenworthy  University of Florida  Release of ‘FSA1602’ St. Augustinegrass from the University of Florida
Bryan  Kindiger  USDA-ARS  Invivo Generation of Dihaploids in Tall Fescue
Jun Li  Institute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences  Development of Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers in Medicago ruthenica and Their Application for Evaluating Outcrossing Fertility under Open-pollination Conditions 
Shaoyun  Lu  South China Agricultural University  Transgenic Centipedegrass Overexpressing S-Adenosylmethione Decarboxylase (SAMDC) Gene for Improved Cold Tolerance
Felipe  Martins  UNICAMP  Genotyping by Sequencing Approach for Autotetraploidy Urochloa ruziziensis Genetic Breeding 
Karem Meireles  Embrapa Beef Cattle  Urochloa brizantha Mock Reference Genome From GBS-SNP-Crop Approach
Susana  Milla-Lewis  North Carolina State University Genetic Improvement of Centipedegrass through Chemical Mutagenesis
Ali Missaoui University of Georgia  Is Simultaneous Improvement of Fall Dormancy (FD) and Winter Hardiness (WH) Possible in Alfalfa? QTL Mapping and Inheritance of FD & WH 
Chakravarthi Mohan University of Florida  Targeted Mutagenesis of the Complex Sugarcane Genome with CRISPR/CAS9
Alemayehu Teressa  Negawo  International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)  The First In-Depth Insight into the Genetic Diversity of a Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) Collection Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing Analysis
Valentin  Picasso  University of Wisconsin - Madison  Variability in Vernalization Requirements of Kernza Intermediate Wheatgrass Populations
Kenneth  Quesenberry  University of Florida  Naturally Occurring Stable 8x and Chimerical 4x/8x Zoysiagrass Genotypes Revealed by Flow Cytometry 
Paul  Reith  University of Florida  Annual Ryegrass Breeding at the University of Florida
Weibo  Ren  Institute of Grassland Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science  Study on EMS Mutagenesis Effect of Sheepgrass
Heathcliffe  Riday  U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center (USDA-ARS)  Progress in Hairy Vetch Cover Crop Breeding
Esteban  Rios  University of Florida  Genetic Parameters for Nutritive Value in Bermudagrass Germplasm Determined by NIRS
Joseph  Robins  USDA-ARS  Comparative Turfgrass Performance of Lolium perenne Germplasm under Limited Irrigation 
Deborah  Samac  USDA-ARS  Genome Editing in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) to Hyper-Accumulate Phosphate
Mateus  Santos  Embrapa Beef Cattle  GGE Biplot Analysis in Multi-Environment Trials and Harvests for Leaf Dry Matter Yield in Panicum Maximum Jacq. (Megathyrsus Maximus Jacq.)
Rosangela  Simeão  Embrapa  Autotetraploid Urochloa ruziziensis Breeding
Kevin  Smith  University of Melbourne  Application of Multispectral Image Sensors for Evaluation of Perennial Ryegrass Persistence in Field Plots
Kevin  Smith  University of Melbourne  Combining NDVI and Plant Height as a Proxy to Enable High-Throughput Phenotyping of Herbage Yield In Perennial Ryegrass Breeding Program
Kevin  Smith  University of Melbourne  Use of New Genomic Tools to Assess and Trace Genetically Modified Forages
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  A High Throughput Bioassay to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Different Asexual Epichloë Spp. Endophyte Strains for Control of Aphid Pests of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  Applications of Unmanned Aircraft System for Genomic Selection of Drought Tolerance in Perennial Ryegrass
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  Functional Metabolomics Analysis of Lolitrem B and Its Biosynthetic Intermediates Identifies Catecholaminergic Activation Profiles and Non-Tremorgenic Metabolites
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  Harnessing the Power of Long Read Sequencing in Fungal Endophyte Genome Assembly
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  Investigating the Effects of Fungal Endophytes on the Pasture Pest Heteronychus arator (African Black Beetle)
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid Assessment of Seed Quality Traits in Lolium
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  Taxonomic Characterisation of Brachiaria Grass Associated Endophytes
German  Spangenberg  Agriculture Victoria Research  The Genetic Basis for Epoxy-Janthitrem Biosynthesis in Perennial Ryegrass Endophytes
Pablo  Speranza Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Agronomía  Extensive Clonality in a Bahiagrass Germplasm Collection from Uruguay
Jennifer  Timmers  University of Florida  Effects of Ploidy on Photosynthesis, Transpiration Efficiency, and Growth of Annual Ryegrass under Variable Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Water Conditions
Beatriz  Tome Gouveia  Universidade Federal de Lavras  Combining Ability of Brachiaria Hybrids Considering Agronomic Traits
Michael  Trammell  Noble Research Institute, LLC  Complexities of a Breeding Pipeline: Determining the Value of Endophytes in Summer Dormant Tall Fescue
Maryjo  Valle  University of Florida  Genetic Variability in the USDA Cynodon Germplasm Collection for Bermudagrass Stem Maggot and Agronomic Traits
Joao  Vendramini  University of Florida  Bermuda 2000 – A New Bermudagrass Cultivar for Florida 
Bianca  Vigna  Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste  Transcriptome Analysis of Paspalum vaginatum under Drought Condition
Zhaolan  Wang  Institute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences  The Study on Drought Resistance of Medicago sativa L. Using Transcriptional Sequencing
Xinquan  Zhang  Sichuan Agricultural University  The Flowering Regulation of Orchardgrass during Vernalization 

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