Science Advancing Everglades Resilience and Sustainability
Greater Everglades science continues to be a foundation element for Everglades restoration and management. Building on the successful GEER conferences in 2017, 2015 and before, GEER 2019 will address the most pressing and complex science issues that we face now and into the future of restoration – a future that includes uncertain climate patterns, threats from invasive species, altered hydrology, development pressure, and degraded water quality.
High-quality science has supported new restoration projects underway, or soon to be underway, including:
- assessment of how a degraded Everglades will respond to restored sheet flow
- examining the ecological effects of Hurricane Irma on the Everglades and coastal environments
- how we should deal with invasive species, both those recently introduced and those long-established
- and the ongoing balance between restoration goals and endangered species protection
Sound science relevant to these challenges and the restoration efforts is required to provide resource managers and policy-makers with the best information possible. GEER 2019 will continue its legacy of providing a valuable forum for scientists and engineers to showcase and communicate the latest scientific developments, and to facilitate information exchange that builds shared understanding among federal, state, local, and tribal scientists and decision-makers, academia, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and private citizens. A premier gathering, GEER is a collaborative effort and we invite you to join us!
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