Graduate Student Fellows
Congratulations to the ACES 2020 Student Fellows who will be presenting during our Webinar Series!

Yair Asael Alpuche Álvarez
Yair Alpuche-Álvarez holds an M.Sc. in Natural Resources and Rural Development. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Copenhagen. His doctoral research focuses on the co-production of ecosystem services in the Yucatan Peninsula and the use of Agent-Based Models as policymaking tools to design sustainable landscapes.

Baishali Bakshi
Baishali Bakshi is a PhD candidate from University of Minnesota. Her dissertation examines links between climate change, forest composition and cultural ecosystem services such as outdoor recreation, through a blend of spatial analysis and econometric modeling using region-specific data. She also works as an environmental economist at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, examining the costs and benefits of protecting the state’s water resources and sustaining the ecosystem services they provide. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, reading detective fiction, and spending time with her cats.

Nathan Fox
Nathan Fox is a postgraduate researcher at the University of Southampton, focusing on the role of geodiversity in the delivery of cultural ecosystem services. Nathan's work aims at making big data sets from social media sites accessible to non-data-scientists.

Diana Hackenburg
Diana Hackenburg is a PhD student in the Rubenstein School at the University of Vermont in the United States. Her research interests are cultural ecosystem services, communication, and community action. She has a MSES and a MPA from Indiana University's School of Public and Environmental Affairs and a BS from Marietta College.
Ilan Havinga
Ilan Havinga is a PhD Candidate at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. His research is focused on using big data and machine learning methods to capture the cultural value of nature in ecosystem assessments.

Lookman Issa
Lookman is currently a Ph.D candidate at the Chair of Economics, specifically Microeconomics, at the Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany. For his PhD, he is working on “The political economy of carbon pricing in Canada: From a public choice analysis perspective."

Helina Jolly
Helina Jolly is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Resources Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia. She is a National Geographic Explorer (2018), UBC Public scholar (2017 and 2018), and Liu scholar (2016). An ecologist and environmental policy analyst by training, she studies the relationship between forest ecosystems and Kattunayakans, a lesser-known hunter-gatherer society of South Asia. Her doctoral research examines the complexities of human and nature connections within the forest landscapes of the Western Ghats in Kerala, India, through the conversations on human-wildlife interactions, food security, forest fire, and rights. As a part of her work, she directed and produced an ethnographic documentary 'Gidiku Vapathu' which was screened at the recent Portland Ecofilm Festival-].

Andrew Kadykalo
Andrew Kadykalo is an integrative social-ecological conservation scientist and PhD Candidate in the Department of Biology, Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. His work focuses on the relationships between people and nature using two primary approaches: i) evidence synthesis and predictive modelling of ecosystem services, and ii) the sociology of evidence use (i.e. human dimensions) in fish and wildlife management and conservation.

Yujing Ma
Yujing Ma is a PhD candidate in VU University Amsterdam. Her current research focuses on Urban Ecosystem Services and implications for Urban Planning and Design. She is conducting her research under the supervision of spatial informatics expert Prof. Henk Scholten and Dr. Eric Koomen. She finished her master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at Peking University, specializing in Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture and Ecosystem Services.

Arun Regmi
Arun Regmi is a PhD student at Penn State University, and his research focus is on forest economics and policy. Previously, he earned a Master’s degree in Forestry from Mississippi State University. He also worked 2 years as a Ranger and a Forest Officer under the Government of Nepal.

Sadikshya Sharma
Sadikshya Sharma joined Pennsylvania State University as a master’s student in Forest Resources (Forest Economics and Policy) in 2019. Her research interests are in valuing natural ecosystems and ecosystem services to integrate human values into decision-making and support sustainable policy solutions.

Hermine Vedogbeton
Hermine Vedogbeton is a PhD candidate in the Department of Economics at Clark University and a research assistant on an NSF Coastal SEES project on salt marsh persistence and value (Grant # 1427105).

Maria Viota Moreno
Maria has a degree in Biology (University of the Basque Country), MSc Ecology (University of Seville), MSc Sustainability (University of the Basque Country). She is deeply interested in the interface among conservation, human well-being and justice, from the Academia and NGO sector. Maria now focuses on research on urban ecosystem services and health.

So-Jung Youn
So-Jung Youn is a PhD candidate in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University. Her research interests are the global food, economic, and cultural contributions of inland fisheries to human communities, with a focus on the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) commercial fisheries in the Laurentian Great Lakes.