Post-conference Resources
Thanks to all who helped make this event a success. Please find some resources below that we hope you will find useful in your work.
Video archive of presentations.
The presentations are available below the order in which they were given. Please note: if you'd like to jump to a particular presentation within one of the sessions, you can click on the little "i" icon located in the bottom right of the Mediasite presentation screen and you'll get a list of the available presentations. By clicking on a particular item, you will "jump" that presentation, much like a chapter mark in a DVD menu.
List of tools
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Lessons Learned
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Q & A day 3
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List of participants
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Photo gallery

The long-term sustainability of the nation’s farms, ranches, and forests depend on raising productivity while protecting the environment and being climate resilient. Sustainable intensification is a central component of a global vision to ensure food security and feed a projected population of over 9.5 billion people by 2050. Climate plays an important role in agricultural production, affecting crop development and yield, incidence of pests and diseases, crop water requirements, and fertilizer needs and efficiency.
Extreme events such as droughts and floods are associated with the majority of crop failures in the USA. Weather patterns, including high temperature and humidity, and the potential for daily rainfall can create a near perfect environment for the outbreak of fungal diseases. They can also impact the reproductive cycle of other pests and insects that function as disease vectors. Unanticipated forces, such as inclement weather, drought conditions, crop failure or abundance, or pest or disease outbreak, can lead to dramatic changes in crop and livestock prices.
There is an urgent need for the development of climate and weather-based decision support tools designed to translate weather and climate information into practical decisions aimed at reducing production risks in our working lands.