Commercial Field Tour
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
We would like to thank all of the companies who are graciously participating as host sites for our Commercial Field Tour. We appreciate the opportunity to give us a bird-eye view of their operations and commercial pepper production in South Florida.
Field Tour Itinerary
7:00am | Morning Refreshments (Hotel Lobby) |
7:45am | Board Buses |
8:00am | Depart Hotel |
8:30am | Lipman Produce (bell pepper and vegetables) Estero, FL |
9:30am | Old Bailey Farms (specialty peppers including mini sweet aka yum yum peppers) Estero, FL |
10:30am | Sakata Seed America Inc. (sweet and hot pepper and other vegetables breeding and trials) Fort Myers, FL |
12:30pm – 1:30pm | Lunch | Immokalee Technical Center (iTech) Immokalee, FL |
1:30pm | Monsanto Seminis (pepper breeding) Immokalee, FL |
2:30pm | Oakes Farm Packinghouse (commercial packing operation) Immokalee, FL |
3:30pm | HM Clause (sweet and hot pepper and other vegetables breeding and trials) Immokalee, FL |
4:30pm | Oakes Farms (specialty peppers and other vegetables) Naples, FL |
5:30pm | Arrive at Hotel Fort Myers, FL |