Benefits of Attending

In today’s fast-moving breeding and genetics research community, this short course will provide a valuable opportunity for learning about new and innovative genetic improvement tools (paradigms), exchange ideas of trends and potential for improvement of predictive ability of conventional prediction methods, and promote networking and collaboration among practitioners, scientists, researchers, students, and industry professionals.

At the end of the course, the attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the foundations of the different prediction paradigms (parametric [frequentist, Bayesian], non-parametric Artificial Intelligence [AI], crop growth models, etc.) implementing in Genomic Selection
  • Learn how to run R scripts for replicating the analyses and results, and also will be able to modify and adapt these methods to their own data sets
  • Identify the best prediction strategy to adopt in their own data sets according to the different crops and traits of interest
  • Write their own modules to conduct customized analyses adapted to the needs of specific breeding programs (annual crops, perennial crops including tree species, repeated measures, time-related traits)
  • Identify the presence of genotype-by-environment G×E interaction and leverage it in prediction models using weather covariates and/or data collected with high throughput platforms
  • Conduct multi-trait prediction to leverage the genetic correlation between traits in prediction models
  • Model the prediction of hybrid performance using genomic information from inbred parents using the General and Specific Combining Ability (GCA, SCA) terms in interaction with environments
  • Develop sparse testing designs assisted by the G×E interaction for optimizing resource allocation
  • Integrate different omics of information in prediction models to outperform conventional models
  • Develop sophisticated/complex prediction pipelines with potential applications in plant and animal breeding
  • Implement different cross-validation scenarios in breeding pipelines
  • Leverage the genotype-by-environment-by-management G×E×M interaction to hasten genetic gain by improving predictive skill and definition of breeding goals

Additional benefits include:

  • Networking with other plant and animal breeders, professionals working across related disciplines, scientists
  • Recruiting students, postdocs and visiting scientists for your lab/company
  • Increasing your professional development and presence in the worldwide quantitative genetics, statistical AI-modeling, and plant and animal breeding communities.
  • Opportunities to facilitate and encourage scientific collaboration and team building among attendees to enhance research progress in the future
  • Receiving an electronic compilation of hands-on for conducting cutting edge analyses presented in traditional print journal
Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity. Space is limited so register now and make plans to attend.

Not sure if this short course is for you? Visit our Who Should Attend page to find out.

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