Poster Presentations
GEER 2021 features more than 30 poster presentations, which will be presented in a variety of formats:
- LIVE via Zoom on Wednesday, April 21 during the 6:00pm–7:30pm Poster Session
- Linked as a pre-recorded presentation on the virtual web site
- Linked as a PDF on the virtual web site
Consult the Poster Directory to view the list of presenters and presentation format.
Registered attendees will have password-protected access to view posters and speaker presentations on the GEER virtual site for up to one year following the conference.
Poster Session

Join us at the poster session for a chance to win a $125 gift card!
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 |
6:00pm–7:30pm |
A fun and interactive poster session is scheduled Wednesday, April 21 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Conducted as a Zoom meeting, those who are presenting posters virtually will be designated as individual Breakout Rooms. Attendees can jump from room to room (or poster to poster) to engage with presenters and attendees alike. Poster presenters will be able to share their screens and show PowerPoint slides visualizing each section of their posters so they can describe their work in more detail.
As an incentive for attendees to visit as many posters as possible, we are giving away four $125 gift cards. The more posters one visits, the more times their name is entered in a drawing for each session. We are also giving a $125 award to the top two poster presenters who receive the most visitors!