October 20-23, 2019

Embassy Suites
Lake Buena Vista South
Kissimmee, Florida

Agenda with Presentations

Online Program Book

Sponsor Recognition

Go Green

As a participant of the 36th Florida Master Gardener Continued Training Conference, you have the opportunity to play a vital role in making our event sustainable. Below is a list of suggested actions that you can take to help make the Florida Master Gardener Conference green:

Travel to and from the conference:

  • Book your travel via the most direct route possible as multiple take-offs and landings cause substantial increases in emissions
  • Utilize shuttle services from the airport to your accommodations to reduce GHG emissions

At the conference:

  • Recycle your bottles, cans and paper at recycling stations throughout the conference When printing or copying materials, make sure to print double-sided versions
  • Bring your own reusable mug, water bottle, pen, pencil and paper
  • Collect business cards of presenters and have them e-mail reports and other information rather than collecting printed hand-outs

In your hotel room:

  • Turn off any lights, TV, air conditioner or heaters when you leave your hotel room for the day to decrease energy consumption
  • If your accommodation offers this service, take the option of not having sheets and towels changed every day to reduce consumption of energy, water and soap

UF/IFAS Extension

Extension is a partnership between state, federal, and county governments to provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. The University of Florida (UF), together with Florida A&M University (FAMU), administers the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. UF/IFAS Extension encompasses thousands of Extension faculty members, scientists, educators, administrative staff, and volunteers, all working to provide solutions for your life.


OCI stands for the Office of Conferences & Institutes. It is a full service conference planning agency at the University of Florida. OCI was created to support the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) mission to develop knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and to make that knowledge available to people to sustain and enhance the quality of life.

Stay Connected

Follow Florida Master Gardener on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest information regarding the conference.



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Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (352) 294-3582
  • Email:
  • Address:
    2311 Mowry Road, Bldg. 78
    PO Box 110750
    Gainesville, FL 32611
  • Questions?
    Contact Us