Dear Master Gardeners,
On behalf of the Florida Master Gardener program, the MG state conference committee, and St. Johns County, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2017 State Master Gardener Volunteer conference. This is going to be a great learning event with something for all Florida Master Gardeners. The planning committee has done an excellent job to bring you presenters that will fully engage you in advanced topics and hands on activities.
We have UF/IFAS experts ready to present on topics that you have requested. There will be 20 concurrent sessions to choose from in four different tracks covering general horticulture, gardening, diagnostics and Florida-Friendly Landscaping™. We know that Master Gardeners are experiential learners and enjoy getting their hands dirty, so we will have more opportunities to dive into the material included in the talks.
Please consider attending one of our excellent pre-tours. There are three options: visiting Old St. Augustine to learn about the ethnobotany of Florida’s first settlers, a tour of the Washington Oaks State Park Botanical garden and beach, or discovering the rich agricultural background of St. Johns County.
There will be opportunities for education, inspiration, sharing of ideas, seeing friends and making new ones. We’ll also be honoring special Master Gardener volunteers for their years of service and Awards of Excellence.
I look forward to seeing you all at the conference--it is always a pleasure to learn with you.
Wendy Wilber
State Master Gardener Coordinator