Program Topics
- Biogeochemical indicators for wetland assessment
- Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions
- Coastal wetlands
- Constructed wetlands
- Coupled biogeochemical cycles in wetlands
- Fate of toxic organic compounds
- Freshwater wetlands
- Geospatial and multivariate methods to evaluate biogeochemical processes
- Hydrologic connectivity of wetlands with terrestrial and aquatic systems
- Influence of sea level rise on cycling of macro-elements
- Land use change including impacts of urban and agricultural practices
- Linkages between biogeochemical processes and biotic communities
- Long-term nutrient and organic matter accretion in wetlands
- Microbial ecology and molecular biology
- Molecular chemical techniques and biomarkers
- Molecular tools to evaluate biogeochemical processes
- Nitrogen processing capacity of wetlands
- Phosphorus assimilation capacity of wetlands
- Role of wetlands in improving water quality
- Stochastic and mechanistic modeling of biogeochemical processes
- Sulfur cycle importance in coastal marshes
- Toxic metal biogeochemistry in wetlands
- Wetland community types and functions and values
NOTE: This list is only intended as a guideline; accepted abstracts will not be limited to these topics.