Conservation and Cocktails – The Clean Water Act at 50
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Arlington Ballroom Salon IV
The Clean Water Act established national water quality standards, restricted pollution, and invested in wastewater treatment and better wetlands management. Today, our waters are dramatically cleaner and yet, significant challenges still remain.
As we celebrate 50 years of the Clean Water Act, the National Capital Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society will lead a special session featuring Nancy Stoner, President of the Potomac River Keeper Network and one of the nation’s most experienced water policy experts who recently served as Acting Assistant Administrator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
You won’t want to miss this session!

Featured Presenter
Nancy Stoner
Potomac Riverkeeper Network
Nancy Stoner is the President of Potomac Riverkeeper Network. One of the nation’s most experienced water policy experts, Nancy has a rich and distinguished background in protecting our nation’s water. Nancy began her career as an attorney in the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, DC, where she litigated and analyzed legislative proposals on a broad range of environmental and natural resource statutes. She also worked for many years at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where she recently served as Acting Assistant Administrator for Water. In that position Nancy managed the agency’s program for implementing the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act nationwide to protect surface water resources and ensure the safety of tap water, supervising a staff of more than 600 and a budget of more than $3 billion in grants, loans and contract support. She also supervised the development of national rules to protect surface waters, drinking water sources and tap water and represented the agency in congressional hearings, national conferences, symposia and press conferences. Nancy also served as Co-Director, Water Program, Natural Resources Defense Council, where she co-directed a national program to promote sound water resource management nationally and in specific watersheds, such as the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, and Anacostia River.
Nancy most recently served as Water Program Director and Senior Fellow for the Pisces Foundation where she developed the foundation’s strategy to protect freshwater resources in the U.S. using integrated water management (IWM) to maximize the value from water resources for people and nature. She also supervised a $7 million investment annually to implement IWM in urban and agricultural watersheds.
Nancy graduated from the Yale Law School, New Haven, CT and was awarded a Juris Doctorate in 1986. She was also awarded a Bachelor of Arts with Highest Distinction, Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. She lives in Silver Spring, MD with her husband, Marc Machlin. She has two grown children, Laura and Jared. She enjoys whitewater rafting, tubing, canoeing, birding, and gardening.