All individuals working in ecological, physical, biogeochemical and social sciences pertinent to wetland management and policy are invited to submit abstracts describing their efforts, science, projects and results. Oral and poster presentations will be selected from abstract submissions, and abstracts from all presentations will be published online in the conference book of abstracts. Poster presentations will be divided into two sessions and formal poster sessions will be held for each grouping to allow maximum time for discussion with individual authors.
INTECOL 9 provides a forum for wetlands scientists from around the world to discuss threats, challenges and integrated solutions for sustainable restoration and management of wetlands in our changing world and we encourage you to participate in this discussion and submit an abstract of your work.
All abstracts must be submitted individually online, and a fee of $25.00 per abstract is charged at the time of submission. This fee must be paid by credit card so have your credit card handy before you begin the abstract submission process. THE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. You will receive an individual RECEIPT OF PAYMENT and CONFIRMATION for each abstract submitted.
Please Note: All program participants, including speakers, poster presenters, panelists, session organizers and moderators, must also pay the conference registration fee to attend and participate in the conference.
Oral Presentations -- LIMITED TO ONE PER AUTHOR
In an effort to showcase as many perspectives as possible, authors will be limited to only one oral presentation in the INTECOL program. If desired, you may submit multiple abstracts to increase your chances of selection as we cannot guarantee that your abstract will be chosen for an oral presentation. Please note that this restriction also applies to contributed sessions. If you are currently slated to present in two contributed sessions, please notify one of your session organizers as soon as possible so that a substitute presenter may be contacted.
Poster Presentations
Abstracts may also be submitted as poster presentations. There is no limit and authors may present one or more poster presentations.
Session Topics
Below is a list of Session Topics to be featured at the conference. When filling out the online abstract submittal form, you will be asked to identify which topic and applicable subtopic is relevant to your submission. BEFORE going online to submit an abstract, review the list below and confirm which applies to your submission(s).
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you were asked to submit an abstract for presentation in a pre-organized session, be sure to indicate the specific topic and subtopic assigned to that session. This should have been communicated to you by the session organizer.
List of Session Topics for INTECOL 9
The Abstract Submission Process Consists of Completing FOUR Consecutive Steps:
Step 1. Review and Follow Abstract Preparation and Submission Instructions
Step 2. Submit Presenter Profile Information and Upload Abstract File
Step 3. Pay $25 Abstract Submission Fee with credit card.
Step 4. Print Abstract Submittal Confirmation Form
After you have successfully completed the first four steps, a confirmation form will be generated confirming receipt of your abstract. Please keep a copy of this form on file for your records.
If you do not receive a confirmation form, the submission did not go through. For questions or to verify the status of your abstract contact: Beth Miller-Tipton, Tel: 352-392-5930; Email:
Step 1: Review & Follow Abstract Preparation and Submission Instructions
Sample Abstract:
(PDF format | MSWord format)
[Note all abstracts should be submitted in MSWord or RTF format.]
If you wish to save the MSWord documents to your computer, be sure to select the "Save As" option. If you see a screen asking for you User Name and Password simply CANCEL and use the "Save As" option from within your word processor.
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INTECOL Wetlands Announcement (PDF)
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