Presentation Themes

In addition to keynote and plenary presentations by invited experts, the WDA Organizing and Program Committee encourages those working in wildlife health and conservation management to join us at the conference and to share their expertise. We will be distributing a Call for Abstracts for those wishing to make oral and poster presentations at the conference. Below are just a few of the topics that may be addressed.

Potential Topics

  • Animal Handling and Immobilization (anesthesia, tracking)
  • Climate Effects on Wildlife Diseases
  • Conservation Medicine
  • Effects of Catastrophic Events on Wildlife (fires, drought, floods, environmental contaminants, oil spills, hurricanes and algal blooms)
  • Farmed/Captive Wildlife Health (alligators, bovids, cervids, camelids, and ratites)
  • Freshwater and marine fish health
  • Interface of Wildlife, Humans, Livestock and Companion Animals
  • Information Technology for Wildlife Management (citizen science, remote sensing, mobile apps, web reporting)
  • Invasive Species
  • Ocean/Marine Health
  • Outbreak Investigation & Response
  • Rehabilitation Centers as Sentinels of Wildlife Population Health
  • Technological Advances (diagnostics, field techniques, vaccines, imaging, anesthesia and drug administration)
  • Vector Borne & Zoonotic Diseases
  • Wildlife Diseases on Island Communities

Please don’t feel limited to these topical areas. WDA seeks to capture all emerging issues and new ideas from a wide network of dedicated professionals. We look forward to receiving your abstract submission.

The mission of the WDA for the past 65 years has been to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with humans and domestic animals. Visit our website for more information about  the Wildlife Disease Association and instructions on how you can become a member.

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