Poster Presentations

The University of Florida does not assume responsibility for content, views or opinions expressed in these independent presentations, and authors are solely responsible for ensuring their presentation materials do not infringe on third party copyrights. Any questions or comments should be directed to the presenting author. If you suspect a presentation of copyright infringement, please contact us immediately.

First Name Last Name Organization Abstract Title PDF
George  Athanasakes  Stantec Consulting Services Inc.  Katy Prairie Stream Restoration: An Illustrative Use of Stream Restoration to Create Resilient Ecosystems   
Alice  Bailey  Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. Oxbow Restoration: Re-establishment of Habitat and Recreation on the Rouge River 
Larry Beggs Reef Ball Foundation Best Practices Using Reef Balls for Living Shorelines
Sinéad  Borchert  Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Coastal Wetland Migration with Sea-Level Rise: Quantifying the Potential for Landward Movement and Coastal Squeeze in Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries  
Sinéad  Borchert  Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) CRMS in the Classroom: Ecosystem Monitoring Data in Phenomenon-Based Inquiry   
Mark  Brown  USDA Forest Service  Florida’s Longleaf Pine Ecosystem, Evaluating a Half Century of Change and ts Recovery Status
Joe  Callaghan  GeoEngineers, Inc.  Upper Clear Creek Wetland Mitigation and Fish Conservation Bank Development
Katherine  Carbajal  Texas A&M University  Simulated Population Trends of Florida Manatee Under Anthropogenic and
Catastrophic Events
Brandon  Carr  USDA  The Role of the USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Program in
Ecosystem Restoration 
Andre  Daniels  USGS Faunal Monitoring in Response to Harbor Dredging in the Port of Miami and North Biscayne Bay   
Abram  DaSilva  NOAA - National Weather Service  National Weather Service Support for Ecological Restoration in
the Ohio Valley and Lake Erie Drainage Basin
Theodore  DeWitt  US EPA  Using Geospatial Habitat Suitability Models to Prioritize Estuarine Areas for Conservation or Restoration of Bivalve Shellfish Beds  
Michael  Eggleston  USGS  Phosphorus Retention Varies with Seiche Activity Among Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands   
Rebekah  Gibble  USFWS  Lygodium Microphyllum in the Northern Everglades: Expansion, Control, And Impacts  
Alonso Gonzalez Cabello AECOM  Power Line Habitat Restoration Program – A Success Story   
Hunter  Guidry  Coastal Environments, Inc.  Reefblk Tm – Oyster Reef Bioengineering, Mad Island Preserve, Texas: A Case Study
Todd  Guidry The Dow Chemical Company  Innovative Water Restoration Improvement Opportunities Through Engagement with
the Public, Private, And Non-
Profit Sectors
Brittany  Hall-Scharf  University of Florida  Changing the Local Scenery by Restoring Hernando’s Coast 
Christopher  Hathcock  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  Effect of Water Depth on Germination and Growth of Federally Endangered
Texas Wild Rice 
Samantha  Heldman  Texas A&M University  Plant Invasion Across Space
And Time: Chinese Tallow
Range Expansion In Southeast United States
Raymond  Hinkle  AECOM  Assessment of Treatments and Long Term Success In Restoring Common Reed (Phragmites Australis) Dominated Marshes On Delaware Bay, 1996-2017 
Raymond  Hinkle  AECOM  Combining Cultural/Recreational Benefits with Ecosystem Restoration – The Delaware Branch Canal Trail Project
Tonya  Howington  Everglades National Park  Everglades Restoration and The South Florida Natural Resource Center: The Science Division of Everglades National Park   
Madeline  Jones  Texas A&M University  A Stage-Structured Population Model for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Potential Impacts Of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Event
Colleen  Kroe  King County  Decreases of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Soils of a 20-Year Chronosequence of Restored Wetlands, Washington State, USA
Kristopher  Kusnerik  Florida Museum of Natural History  Tracking Changes in the Historical Ecology of Florida’s Freshwater Springs and Rivers Using Recent and Fossil Mollusks 
Kirsten  Lackstrom  Carolinas Integrated Sciences & Assessments (CISA)  Climate-Smart Conservation:
An Assessment of State Wildlife Action Plans from the Southeastern United States
Bryan  Locher  University of Central Florida  The Recovery of Sediment Nutrients in Restored Oyster Reefs in the Indian River Lagoon, FL  
Jen  Lyndall  Society for Ecological Restoration  SER Certification Program for Ecological Restoration Practitioners 
Mickey  Marcus  SWCA Environmental Consultants  Riverbank Stabilization on the Connecticut River: Lessons Learned From 25 Years Of Restoration
Agnes  McLean  National Park Service  Informing Water Management Decisions In Large Scale
Restoration Programs: The Use of Ecological Models in the
Evaluation Of Project Plans
Anny Katherinne  Meneses Mosquera  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México  Ecological Restoration In Yucatán: A Strategy for Implementation, Development and Monitoring of Restoration Process in a
Network of Priority Sites
Annie  Montgomery  Texas A&M University  Potential Effect of Morbillivirus Exposure Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Bottlenose Dolphin Population  
Peter  Murdoch  USGS Defining Natural Infrastructure Performance and Tracking Resilience Change Over Time in Coastal Environments  
John  Nyman  LSU Agricultural Center  How to Construct Estuarine Wetlands High Enough to Remain Vegetated for Decades Without Delaying Fish and Wildlife Functions  
Aviva  Patel  Credit Valley Conservation  Linking Landscape Scale Conservation Planning to Effective Ecological Restoration
Jacob  Patus  University of Miami  Land Use Change And
Restoration Efforts to Minimize Coastal Pollution in Great
Exuma, The Bahamas
Leonard  Pearlstine  Everglades National Park  GAM Modeling of Alligator Nest Sighting as Affected by
Hydrologic, Habitat, Meteorological and Anthropogenic (Canals And Roads) Variables
Miranda  Peterson  Texas A&M University  Plants On the Move: The Trend of Japanese Honeysuckle Invasion in Southeast United States 
Patrick  Phillips  GreenVest, LLC  Innovative Design to Develop a Novel Ecosystem  
Bill Precht Dial Cordy and Associates  Julia Tuttle Mitigation Site: If We Plant Them Will They Grow?   
Shauna-kay  Rainford  The Pennsylvania State University  Paleoecological Assessment of the Origin and Development of Vernal Pools in Central Pennsylvania  
Alisha  Renfro  National Wildlife Federation  Examination of Alternative Operation Regimes for Existing Freshwater Diversion and Siphon Structures in Louisiana, USA  
Curt  Riche’  USDA-NRCS  Evaluation of Louisiana Ecotypes of Saltgrass for Selection and
Use in Salt Marshes of the
Coastal Zone of Louisiana 
Dianne  Rosensweig  ESA Cortez Commercial Fishing Village Uses Grassroot Efforts to Fund Large Scale Habitat Restoration
Timothy  Schauwecker  Mississippi State University  Hydraulic and Vegetative Modeling for the Restoration Design of
the Upper Reach of Catalpa
Creek, an Impaired Stream in Northeast Mississippi
Shelby  Servais  Florida International University  Effects of Increased Salinity on Microbial Processing of Carbon and Nutrients in Brackish and Freshwater Wetland Soils  
Doug Shields  CBEC Eco Engineering A Tool for Beaver Dam
Analogue Design
Eric  Sparks  Mississippi State University  Impacts of Large-Scale Breakwaters on Shoreline Vegetation in High Wave Energy Environments
Rachael  Stevenson  Nova Southeastern University  Faunal Monitoring in Response to Harbor Dredging   
Eric  Swain  USGS Using Water-Temperature Data to Determine Groundwater Seepage to the Indian River Lagoon, Florida   
Sabrina Tabassum-Tackett University of Louisiana at Lafayette Comparing Cadmium Tolerance in Unialgal and Assemblage Exposures to Assess Whether Single-Species Exposures Can Predict if Cadmium Contamination Favors Harmful Algal Blooms  
Heather  Theel  US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)  Decision Framework for Upland Hardwood and Grassland Restoration Monitoring: Integrating Innovative Spatial Technologies  
Garret  Thomassie  USDA-NRCS  Native Plant Solutions for Coastal Restoration Along the Gulf Coast   
Phillip  Todd  North State Environmental  Brunswick Town/ Fort Anderson –
A Living Shoreline Alternative
Jeffrey  Trulick  US Army Corps of Engineers  Risk Informed Decision Making in Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project Planning for the US Army Corps of Engineers  
G. Lynn  Wingard  USGS Impacts of Hurricane Irma on Florida Bay Islands – Clues to Future Responses to Storms and Sea Level  
Von  Winkel  Southern Nevada Water Authority  Ecological Restoration at the
Warm Springs Natural Area in Moapa, Nevada 
Robert  Ziehr  USDA  Ecosystem Restoration Tools 

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Society of Ecological Restoration

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Walton Family Foundation

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