Pinellas County
November 10 - December 15, 2025
Registration closes at 10:00am on November 4, 2025
(Course Code: cs25-08)
In-person Class Facility
Weedon Island Preserve, Cultural and Natural History Center
1800 Weedon Dr NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33702
• There is a large kiosk in the southeastern corner of the main parking lot - follow the sidewalk to the building entrance. If you pass the kayak vendor along your drive in the preserve, you have gone too far and missed the main parking lot entrance, which is on the opposite side of the road from the kayak vendor.
• Please do not speed within the preserve and watch for wildlife on the road.
• Avoid leaving any valuables in your vehicle.
Instructors Information
Lead and Point of Contact: Jeanne Murphy, Senior Wildlife Biologist
Organization: Sensing Nature, LLC
Phone: 727-397-2306
Email: jmurphy@sensingnature.com
Website: www.sensingnature.com
Lead: Brian Lane, Senior Ecologist,Sensing Nature, LLC
Associates: Lewis (Buddy) Harrison, Environmental Educator, Sensing Nature, LLC; and
Russell Martin, Environmental Compliance Supervisor, Southwest Florida Water Management District
General Information (See Course Guidelines for Additional Information)
• Read the schedule completely, including the Guidelines, before the first day of class
• Schedule does not include your travel time before or after class
• Videos may transition from being watched in the classroom to “On Your Own” with in class discussions
• It is the student's responsibility to verify field information, including being sure to check your email and voicemail before you leave for class each day
• Transportation & lunches not included
• Bring your sack lunch daily – not enough time to purchase food off-site
• Carrying drinking water during field trips is required; make a sustainable choice – use non-disposable bottles
• If you didn’t order a hard copy manual, bring a (charged) computer to view your course material. Electrical outlets may be scarce, or not available/accessible.
• Field Trips are within Pinellas County; Carpooling is suggested when you feel comfortable doing so.
• Field Trip Locations, Activities, and Times may change, although this isn’t expected.
• Field conditions vary depending on the time of year and recent weather events.
• Field Suggestions: Bring to each class/field trip a towel, a complete change of clothes and shoes; insect repellent; sunblock, a hat, and sunglasses.
• Your instructors will provide additional information, including maps and directions to field trip locations via email approximately 3 days before class starts. Looking forward to a great class!
• Course manual pdf is provided electronically to all students after/at the first class depending upon the classroom internet connection.
• If you didn’t order a hard copy manual, bring a fully-charged computer to view your course material. Electrical outlets may be scarce, or not available.
Tentative Course Agenda
Open the PDF below to view the full agenda for this course.
Course Guidelines
Covid-19 safety Precautions:
In light of the latest CDC updates and guidance from UF health experts, we no longer require masks during in-person FMNP activities but welcome masks for those who wish to wear them and voice support for those who do.
Attendance Policy:
- You cannot miss more than 8 hours (20% of the 40 contact hours) This is a FMNP policy and cannot be modified by the Instructor.
- To receive certification, the 8 hours or less missed must be made up by completing an assignment of equal time and content. Approval of the Instructor is required.
- If total hours missed exceeds 8 hours, certification is not possible regardless of material made up.
- All absences should be discussed with the instructor in advance. In case of emergencies, please notify Instructor as soon as possible.
Make-up time frame:
- If you miss a class or a field trip, you must make-up the same material. The time for makeup needs to be completed within a week when possible.
- If you miss more than 8 hours, the University of Florida will not certify you as a naturalist, but please keep coming to as many classes as possible…this is your class.
Classroom Presentations: “Classroom” means we are in at the Weedon Island Preserve in the Cultural and Natural History Center in their classroom in St. Petersburg. It is often very chilly in this classroom – you may want to bring a sweatshirt, a beach towel to throw over your legs, or wear layersy.
Bring Course Material to Class Each Day:
- If you didn’t order a hard copy course manual, bring a charged computer to each classroom session to view your course material during class. Outlets are scarce or not available.
- If you ordered a hard copy, bring it to each classroom session.
Field Trip Locations & Times may change due to unforeseen circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to verify field information. Transportation and lunches are not included.
Course Time Schedule does not include travel time, except between AM & PM classes.
Student Carpooling is suggested and is up to students to arrange.
Flexible Schedule:
• The schedule times listed are as close as possible, but we need you to be flexible.
• We probably will not get out early; however, we may run late by a few minutes. Please arrange your schedule so that the class can be flexible. We will try to stick to the listed times, however, your attentiveness to getting back on time from breaks and lunch impacts our schedule. Please be timely.
• Course time schedule does not include your travel time (except between AM & PM classes).
Caffeine, Snacks and Lunch! If If you enjoy coffee or need a snack, you may bring your own. No Styrofoam – violators have to bring snacks to the hungry class the next day. Always bring a sack lunch – there will not be enough time to get a drive-through meal.
Cell Phones: These are fine to use outside of class. Please don’t allow it to ring during classroom sessions or on field trips. Talk on the gadgets during break time, lunchtime, before and after class. Violators have to bring snacks to the hungry class the next day.
NOTE: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or body lotions with fragrance in the classroom. Other students may be sensitive to these odors making them nauseous, giving them a headache, or even causing physical symptoms like a rash, and there isn’t any escape from these smells.
Field Trips
Clothes & Footwear:
• It might be very warm or very cool on our field trips—please, dress accordingly.
• Be aware that typically you will be experiencing wet and muddy environments. Avoid see-through fabrics when wet. For your comfort, always bring a spare change of clothes.
• Required – Wear closed-toe shoes at all times in the field. No exceptions.
• Wear: Layered clothes, maybe long sleeves and pants for sun/insect protection, closed-toe shoes (wet shoes or other appropriate footwear), hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.
Items to Bring:
• Required – Drinking water. No exceptions. Bring it in a reusable, non-single-use container and bring water to refill it too.
• Snacks, field ID books, notepad and pen, binoculars, insect repellent, towels, and a complete change of clothes (spare shoes/socks/pants/shirt).
• Another reason to not wear perfume/cologne or use perfumed soap/body lotion in the field. This may attract more unwanted buzzing invertebrates known as mosquitoes, midges (no see ‘ems) and flies.
• Insects (including mosquitoes), spiders, and snakes are outdoors. Hopefully, we will see many of these beautiful creatures. Always watch where you are putting your hands and feet. Use your brain before your body.
Please Note: Recommend using a tablet, laptop, or PC with Chrome and/or Firefox installed when viewing and registering.
Have any questions? Please read through our Frequently Asked Questions page.