Restoration of the Greater Everglades has advanced significantly since the last GEER conference held in conjunction with INTECOL in 2012, and science in support of restoration has become even more important to achieve restoration results. Significant challenges face society’s vision for restoration – altered hydrology, degraded water quality, invasions by non-native plants and animals, human development placing pressure on our remaining natural systems, and climate change. Despite these challenges, major restoration projects are planned and/or underway, including increased water storage, bridges on Tamiami Trail to restore flow, water quality improvement, and others. High-quality science relevant to these challenges and the restoration efforts are required to provide resource managers and policy-makers with the best information possible. GEER 2015 will provide a valuable forum for scientists and engineers to showcase and communicate the latest scientific developments, and to facilitate information exchange that builds shared understanding among federal, state, local, and tribal scientists and decision-makers, academia, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and private citizens.
Given the present fiscal and policy constraints, GEER 2015 will be slightly shorter than past GEER conferences and have a simplified meeting structure to keep costs for participants as low as possible. The conference organizers have worked hard to provide an excellent location and conference venue, three full days of plenary and contributed sessions, and opportunities for valuable interaction – all while minimizing travel, lodging, and meeting costs. Please join us to by participating in GEER 2015 and being part of the dialogue to better understand and inform Everglades restoration!
What Past Attendees Have Said about GEER:
“There’s no other place where I can get a consensus of what the science is saying about Everglades Restoration. GEER is a model for how these things need to be done.”
Rock Salt
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Ret.)
“The GEER conference is a wonderful forum to present and to understand all of the science different agencies are incorporating into their Restoration efforts. GEER is the highlight of the science program for the Greater Everglades.”
Robert Johnson
National Park Service
“Many restoration professionals use the GEER conference as a place to test out new ideas and share some of the results when we look at impacts. GEER brings all of that expertise together in one place over a short period of time and allows us to understand much more. If you're involved in Everglades Restoration, you should be at this conference.”
Nick Aumen
US Geological Survey, GEER 2015 Conference Co-Chair |